Kenya’s educational system is experiencing a crisis. For many years, the nation has struggled to provide its residents with quality education, and the situation does not seem to be getting any better anytime soon. If Kenya’s educational system is to provide kids with adequate education, it must confront the various barriers it now faces. We will go through some of the major problems affecting Kenyan schools right now and their remedies in this blog article.
Challenges Facing Kenya Education Planning
1. Gender Inequalities
The female child is still in a precarious condition. Girls’ engagement in school is still negatively impacted by parental gender prejudice, cultural norms, the pandemic of HIV/AIDS, and poverty. There is still a long way to go since only 59 out of 176 countries have achieved gender parity in primary and secondary education.
However, the world has made consistent progress toward gender parity, demonstrating that gender differences in education can be overcome through public policy and changes in attitude. The most challenging goal to attain and the hardest to evaluate is gender equality in educational opportunities and results. There is still much to be done. Many Sub-Saharan nations, like Kenya, still have a long way to go before achieving gender parity and educational justice.
2. Insufficient Learning Materials
The second problem is the absence of books and other resources for pupils to utilize in class, particularly at lower levels. The quality of education in many Kenyan public schools is significantly impacted by the lack of appropriate materials for kids to study.
Parents must purchase learning materials out of pocket. This is a significant price considering that many Kenyans are below the poverty level. Public schools should get good books and other educational resources from the government so students can access them without purchasing their supplies.
3. Teachers’ Salaries
For so long, the Kenyan government has been unable to pay its teachers a living wage. As a result, teachers are sometimes compelled to work numerous jobs to afford meals and make ends meet every month. Therefore, it is understandable why many instructors struggle to do their professions properly when they devote little time or money to them.
One teacher impacts many children’s lives in Kenya. This is because teachers often provide more than just academic knowledge; they are the people that students turn to when they need assistance or a sympathetic ear. Yet, despite this, they are the jobs in Kenya with the lowest pay since they provide life skills that may be used for years.
4. Poor Financial Resources
One of the biggest issues confronting many developing nations in Sub-Saharan Africa is how to pay for Education For All (EFA). Most of these administrations rely on donor funding, which often has conditions. These governments are usually financially challenged for various reasons, from political and economic unrest to poor governance. As a result, they cannot support the long-term implementation of education for all.
Following free primary education in 2003 and free secondary education in 2008, Kenya is still dealing with several difficulties. The major causes of these difficulties are inadequate teaching staff (human resources) and inadequate infrastructure (physical resources). The lack of sufficient financial resources is the main contributor to these problems.
5. Lack Of Interest Among The Students
Students sometimes get disappointed when they see educated illiterates and subpar grads. This is a result of the continent of Africa having a general shortage of excellent employment. But it isn’t always the case. Every African nation is affected, notably in the Eastern and Western parts of the continent. Therefore, the importance of education should be made clear to the kids.
6. Low Transition Rates To Higher Education
From elementary school to secondary school, from secondary school to universities, there is a low transmission rate. This is for various reasons, some of which we have already explored, some of which we will discuss, and others of which we may not touch. However, the lack of resources and pupils’ lack of interest are the most frequent causes.
7. Lack Of Adequate Facilities
Kenya has a relatively high population density, often overcrowding at specific schools, with students crammed into classes without tables or seats. In addition, most public schools lack facilities like classrooms, restrooms, or desks since the government doesn’t provide enough funding to solve this problem.
8. High Dropout Rate
The high dropout rate is a significant barrier to educational success. In addition, several issues, including poverty, unemployment, ill health, and drug misuse, lead students to give up on their studies before they ever start.
Although the government has achieved significant progress in guaranteeing that kids remain in school until they finish their secondary education, much more needs to be done to ensure a seamless transition from elementary to secondary education and high school completion.
9. Quality Of Education
The present 8-4-4 system places more of a premium on exams than on teaching students how to think critically, creatively, and practically. Additionally, it does nothing to develop a student’s potential abilities and gifts.
The government is presently tackling this problem by implementing a competency-based curriculum that is more all-encompassing, socially inclusive, and focused on each student’s unique abilities. Additionally, it emphasizes the practical skills required for work and business so that a student may be independent and not rely on the government for financial support.
10. Corruption
Another significant issue influencing education in Kenya is corruption. Recently, educational institution administrators have been found guilty of stealing money from government budgets designated for universities and colleges. As a result, there isn’t enough money to buy instructional materials or build the essential school infrastructure.
Solutions To Challenges Facing Kenya Education Planning
1. Recruiting More Teachers
The number of kids who desire school has been rising over time. There aren’t enough teachers in these schools to handle the enormous number of students; one teacher may be responsible for 70 students in a classroom, resulting in a lack of quality instruction and student attention. The Ministry must allocate aside money to complement payments made to parents-employed teachers or PA.
2. Ensuring There Is No Delay In The Disbursement Of Funds
The government’s Ministry must make sure that budgetary provisions are determined promptly. In schools, delays prevent students from studying because they cannot get supplies like exercise books, which are necessary for learning. Additionally, the office supervisors should be capable and accountable.
3. Employment On Merit And Sacking Of Corrupt Officials
The ministry has experienced financial theft. Top officials must resign, and a tribunal must be established to investigate the situation. To assure stewards in the administration of the funds, the hiring should be based on merit.
4. Provide Sufficient Resources For Instruction And Learning
There aren’t many textbooks, and five students may share one. The quantity of money distributed is insufficient to sustain school activities at a modest level. There are more students at certain schools than others. To raise additional money for this, the government has to look at new funding options, either by increasing the amount distributed or by enhancing school programs during the summer or winter breaks.
5. Increasing public schools
More schools must be created to accommodate the growing number of students who now have access to education, particularly in rural regions where students must travel significantly to their lessons. But, again, the influence on student-teacher relationships and the ease of studying are significant.
If Kenya is to achieve education for all, the government needs to provide more schools and learning materials to each student and moderate the number of students in a class school. Furthermore, the government needs to increase the teacher’s pay to encourage them, and corrupt leaders need to be thrown out of power to achieve education for all. To solve the challenges facing Kenya education planning all of the solutions above must be applied.
Frequently Asked Questions
Like every other nation in the world, Kenya is governed by politics. Politics has a significant impact on Kenya’s educational system. Political factors determine the sort of educational system that may exist in a nation. It is crucial in defining how education is administered.
The direction for a nation’s future educational growth is provided by educational planning, which outlines the objectives, principles, and procedures. Additionally, it defines and caps a country’s path of action regarding education.
The lack of proper resources has made it challenging to execute the national strategy on education effectively. Nearly every secondary school in particular, as well as other higher education institutions generally, particularly in the east, suffer from a severe shortage of resources, manpower, equipment, and infrastructure.
The parents find it more difficult to cover the direct expenses of school, such as tuition, fees, books, supplies, uniforms, and private tutoring, due to the decline in adult income. As a result, the youngster is either unprepared for school or withdraws from it, negatively affecting educational performance.
The quality of life for educated individuals may significantly increase due to government involvement in making education free. The benefits to the rest of society are many as well. Labor productivity and economic growth may both be increased in a well-educated society.
- Education International (EI) (2009). Education For All by 2015. Retrieved November 24 from
- UNESCO (2000). The EFA 2000 Assessment: Country Reports. Retrieved November, 20th from
- UNESCO (2005). Challenges of Implementing Free Primary Education in Kenya: Experience from the Districts. UNESCO Nairobi Office, March, 2005. Retrieved November, 20 2009 from