
List of Engineering Courses in Uniben and Their Post UTME Requirements

List of Engineering Courses in Uniben and Their Post UTME Requirements – Engineering is rated among the top 20 best courses which many institutions of higher learning in Nigeria offer to students.

In today’s article, I will be revealing to you the various Departments in the Engineering Faculty, Uniben. Also embedded in this content is the step by step guide to post utme registration for all Engineering courses offered in Uniben for the JAMB 2022/2023 academic session.
Faculty of Engineering Uniben which is focused on becoming the best Faculty of Engineering among other Engineering Faculties in Nigeria has the following Departments;


What are the Requirements to Study Engineering in Uniben?

Almost all Engineering Discipline have the same subject combination both in JAMB and in O’level WAEC, NABTEB, NECO and GCE results. The General requirements for Admission into any Engineering course in Uniben include: that you must have bagged a JAMB score of not less than 180.
For clarity sake, we shall be going-through the 8 engineering courses in Uniben, their O’level requirements , their individual postutme requirements and all it takes to secure admission into them, Please read on.
Postutme requirements for all Engineering courses in Uniben


The Production Department in Uniben is fully dedicated to the Training of young men and women for intellectual, human Labour and morals.

What are the Requirements To Study Production Engineering in Uniben?
Below are the requirements for candidates that wish to be admitted into University Of Benin through JAMB To Study Production Engineering.

  • Quick reminder, you need to have at least 5 credit passes in your O’level result (either WAEC, NABTEB or NECO) including English and Mathematics in not more than double sittings before you can get admitted to read Production Engineering in UNIBEN.
  • You must have attained the minimum age of.sixteen (16) by the 31st day of October in the year of admission.
  • You MUST also Meet UNIBEN Production Engineering Cut off Mark.
  • To purchase post UTME form and be considered for admission into the Production Engineering Department of UNIBEN, you need to have scored 200 or more in JAMB. You need to score even more than the UNIBEN cut off mark provided above for you to have a greater edge of securing admission to study Production Engineering in Uniben.
  • Choose Correct JAMB Subject Combination.
    Here is the list of subjects you need to write in JAMB;
    -Physics and
  • Always bear in mind that in JAMB, Use of English is compulsory for all courses.
  • So if it was not included above, keep in mind that it is a key requirement. Have a very good JAMB, WAEC, Post UTME Score likewise.


  • If you have been asking about all it takes to study Petroleum Engineering in UNIBEN, Kindly read on for all Requirements to study Petroleum Engineering in UNIBEN . Also contained here is the answers to so many of your questions; Does UNIBEN accept two sittings for Petroleum Engineering?, what is the cut-off mark for Petroleum Engineering in UNIBEN? I will be providing answers to these questions above which many prospective students of Petroleum Engineering at UNIBEN have always asked.

What Are the Criteria Required To be able to Study Petroleum Engineering in UNIBEN?

  • Below are the requirements for prospective candidates that aspires to gain admission into University Of Benin through JAMB To Study Petroleum Engineering.
  • To be eligible, you need to have at least 5 credit passes in your O’level result
    (either WAEC, NABTEB or NECO) including English and Mathematics in not more than double sittings.
  • You must have attained a minimum AGE of sixteen (16) by the 31st day of October in
    the year of admission.
    *You must Meet UNIBEN Petroleum Engineering Cut off Point.
    Before you will be admitted to study Petroleum Engineering in UNIBEN , you are required to have scored high in JAMB. To be on the safe side, you are advised to target at least a score of 250 and above in JAMB so as for you to have a higher chance of securing admission into the University Of Benin to study Petroleum Engineering.
  • Make sure to have a Correct JAMB Subject Combination.
    For Petroleum Engineering, here is the list of subjects you need to write in JAMB;
    -Use of English
    -Physics and
  • Have a very nice JAMB, WAEC, Post UTME Score.


Here are the requirements for Mechanical Engineering in UNIBEN
The aspirants must register the following subjects; English Language, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. Note that Biology, geography, or any other science-related subjects are not of much interest apart from the selected 4.
Most importantly, the aspirants must secure a high score in his or her UTME exam with a minimum of 200, which varies yearly and is based on over-all performances in the UTME season.
Talking about the O-level Subject Combination for Mechanical Engineering in UNIBEN, the O’level Subjects include,

English Language
Chemistry plus any of Geography or Further mathematics or Biology or Computer Science. Do well to attain a minimum grade in all the subjects because anything less than a ‘C’ in the core subjects might be a challenge in being considered.


Electrical and Electronics Engineering is an aspect of engineering discipline that powers our world. University of Benin ( UNIBEN ) teaches this course to raise high-quality graduates with technical know-how at the highest level for the development of the country’s commercial and industrial sectors.
O’level candidates must sit, pass a minimum credit level to be able to secure admission into the named department. He or she must also reach the cut off mark for the JAMB’s Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) and the Department’s post UTME cut off mark.



The subject combination for postutme into Electrical/Electronic Engineering is;
-English Language
-Chemistry and


All candidates seeking for the postutme requirements and Cut off Mark for Computer Engineering in UNIBEN are advised to read this. It is good to note that the Computer Engineering Department of UNIBEN is highly competitive, hence aspirants are strongly advised to follow the guidelines in order to meet the minimum requirements which are explained below.

  • Minimum of 5 credit passes in SSCE results, not more than double sittings.
  • Must score up to the general requirements in UTME/JAMB.
    Note that the cut off point for Computer Engineering in University of Benin is “220”. Once your JAMB score and the other applications are qualified for Computer Engineering in University of Benin, the next thing is for you to start getting ready for the POST UTME or Screening. We advice that you practice past questions and study your textbooks.


Below are the requirements for aspirants that wish to be admitted into University Of Benin through JAMB To Study Civil Engineering.

  • Quick reminder, you need to have at least 5 credit passes in your O’level result (either WAEC, NABTEB or NECO) including English and Mathematics in not more than double sittings before you can secure an admission into the Civil Engineering in UNIBEN.
  • You must have attained the minimum age of.sixteen (16) by the 31st day of October in the year of your admission.
  • What is the Departmental Cut Off Point For Civil Engineering, UNIBEN?
    Before you will be offered provisional admission to study Civil Engineering in UNIBEN this year, you supposed to have scored high in JAMB. For greater chances of securing admission, one needs to target at least a score of 250 and above in JAMB.
  • UNIBEN Subject Combination For Civil Engineering
    Here is the JAMB Subject combination For postutme into Civil Engineering Department, UNIBEN.
  • Use Of English
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • -Chemistry


All students who wish to study Chemical Engineering under the Faculty of Engineering, Environment & Technology in University of Benin should read this very carefully as it is very important for all who wish to successfully scale through Uniben postutme.

The requirements and O’level subject combination needed to study Chemical Engineering are; 5 SSCE credit passes to include the following subjects; Physics, Chemistry, English Language, Mathematics and any other Science subject.

    In UTME, always note that English Language is Compulsory for this course. Therefore, other subjects necessary for your JAMB UTME subject combination for study Chemical Engineering in Uniben include;
  • Mathematics and


  • UNIBEN minimum point for Metallurgical and Material Engineering is 200. To successfully secure admission to study Metallurgical and Material Engineering in UNIBEN, you need to have reached a score of 200 or above in JAMB before you can be eligible to purchase the University of Benin post UTME form and be considered for admission.
  • JAMB Choice of Subject For Metallurgical and Material Engineering in UNIBEN, :
    -Use of English
    -Chemistry and
  • WAEC/NECO/GCE/NABTEB subjects are Mathematics, English language, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, or its equivalent.
    Kindly note that only O’level results with grades ranging between between A, B to C in the above mentioned five subjects, will be accepted.
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