
200+ Funny Birthday Messages For Best Friend

Funny Birthday Messages For Best Friend

Funny Birthday Messages And Wishes For Best Friend-Friendship is a sweet and wonderful thing and having someone you can confide in and share a lot of things with is really wonderful.

So here, we will be showing you some funny birthday wishes and messages you can send to your best friend to make them feel happy and loved on their special day.

These messages we will be showing in this article are hilarious and will certainly put a smile on the readers face.

So blow up your friend’s Facebook and Instagram with the best funny Happy Birthday messages.


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Best Funny Birthday Messages And Wishes For Your Best Friend

  • Dear Friend, on your birthday, I am most grateful that you know all of my faults but you withhold your judgment.
  • Happy birthday! I hope you’re not looking for a present because my presence is my gift to you.
  • I will sing Happy Birthday to you so much you’ll wish you’d never been born… Happy Birthday!
  • Woohoo! Cake, booze, and partying! Oops… I mean… happy birthday!
  • There’s no way that your birthday can be as happy as you make me. But I hope it’s close!
  • For your birthday, I’ve gotten you something that’s gluten free, zero calories, and absolutely delightful. This happy birthday text message!
  • Happy birthday! I hope you’re not looking for a present because my presence is my gift to you.
  • Late in the evening, far, far away there is a glow beyond the horizon, and I know deep in my heart… It’s your birthday cake
  • There are friends and then there are best friends, happy birthday to the best friend I could have asked for!
  • Party hard on your birthday! You can always count on me to give you a night you won’t remember in the morning.
  • Remember to smile awkwardly as everyone sings you “Happy Birthday” today!
  • “Knowing someone as fabulous as me should be the only present you need.”
  • Birthdays are good for you. The more you have, the longer you live.
  • Best wishes, buddy! No matter how old you get, I’ll be the friend that keeps you feeling young and carefree with the use of tender white lies. #loveyoulots
  • I think you’re supposed to get finer and wiser with age? Well, that’s okay, there’s always next year! ~Funny Birthday Messages For Best Friend~
  • Happy birthday to one of the few people whose birthday I can remember without a Facebook reminder
  • It’s your birthday! Which means it’s a great excuse to make some bad decisions, let’s party it up!
Funny Birthday Messages And Wishes For Best Friend
  • “Today is the oldest you have been, and the youngest you will ever be. Make the most of it!” 
  • Perfect birthday checklist: family, friends, and alcohol. Enjoy!
  • Birthday candles won’t be the only thing getting lit this weekend!
  • I hope your birthday is as awesome as your hair in high school.
  • At least you’re not as old as you will be next year
  • Even more birthday humor in our article with Funny Birthday Wishes!
  • Happy Birthday, darling! Smile until I have enough evidence to report to the mental asylum.
  • I’m actually just here for the cake.
  • Happy birthday to someone I hope is my friend even when we’re too senile to remember each other’s birthdays.”
  • Best friends are awesome, especially yours. Happy birthday!
  • I forgive you for being younger than me.
  • You’re another year older, but definitely not any wiser.
  • Fun fact: birthdays are good for you! Statistics show that the more you have, the longer you live.
  • Happy birthday! You’re officially old enough to start needing retinol.
  • I’m so happy that we’re going to grow old together, and that you have a head start.
  • Like a fine wine, you’re only getting better with age.
  • (For a 30th birthday) You’re still 20, but with 10 years of experience!
  • Happy birthday to a dime who’s in her prime!
  • As Drake would say, “YOLO.”
  • I love you even though you’re a Gemini. Happy birthday!
  • Happy birthday to the person who is always there to help me draft a risky text.
  • (For a 30th birthday) Happy birthday to someone who is officially 30, flirty, and thriving!
  • Happy birthday to the person who taught me everything I know about skincare.
  • Happy birthday to a person that is charming, talented and witty, and reminds me a lot of myself.”
  • “You were born on this date, so we are going to put fire sticks in baked goods and sing at you while you sit there awkwardly.”
  • Happy birthday. Thank you for always being older than me.”
  • Let’s drink champagne and dance on the tables (until they ask us to leave the bar).
  • May your Facebook wall be filled with birthday wishes from people you’ve never met, haven’t seen in years, or genuinely couldn’t care any less about.”
  • It is your birthday! Remember that researchers have said that birthdays are good for your health and people who have more birthdays live longer. May you get more birthdays.”
  • To quote Saweetie, “That’s my best friend.”
  • I would wish for all of your dreams to come true, but then it would be tough for me to find out a wish for you next year, so let me just say happy birthday!”
  • Because it’s your birthday, I’ll share my fries with you.
  • Today would have been the perfect occasion to write sweet words about the greatest, most spectacular, uniquely exquisite friend in the world, but I already finished my autobiography a month ago.” ~Funny Birthday Messages For Best Friend~
Funny Birthday Messages For Best Friend
  • You make me feel so young when we’re together. Thanks for being born first.”
  • There is no one I would rather blast Taylor Swift with all day and night. Happy birthday to my favorite Swiftie.
  • I’m so glad we’ve managed to make this friendship work despite the generational difference.”
  • Woah, time flies when you’re having fun! How’d we get so old?”
  • Happy 25th birthday! The teens on TikTok definitely think you’re geriatric now.
  • Happy Birthday and congratulations on the extra wrinkle on your face! I’m so proud!
  • Our self-esteem is supposed to peak at 60. ‘Til then, there are always birthday messages from near-strangers on Facebook to make us feel seen.”
  • “If everyone aged like you, Botox would be obsolete!”
  • “You age like fine wine.”
  • “No one wears your age like you do.”
  • It is your birthday! Remember that researchers have said that Birthdays are good for your health and people who have more birthdays live longer. May you get more birthdays.
  • Wishing you a brainy birthday! Ample years and yet another year, you have still not grown wiser.
  • This year is the year you’re too old for presents, right?”
  • “At our age, drinking and eating cake isn’t anything special. That’s just called Thursday night. Hope your birthday is extraordinary!”
  • You don’t look a day over 30. Wait, today’s the big 3-0?”
  • “At this age, hangovers don’t hit like they used to. So make sure you cancel all your plans for tomorrow.”
  • It is your birthday, dear. You cannot stop anyone from having your favorite items for food right in front of you.
  • At this point, birthdays are more like cruel reminders than celebrations. Let’s make the best of it!”
  • Does this mean we have to start going on cruises for our annual trips?”
  • At 21, we looked forward to drinking. At 25, we could rent a car. Now the next milestone is… discount dining at Denny’s.”
  • Eat as much as you can because God has kept your birthday as a fat-free special day for you.
  • I got tired of counting candles on your birthday cake so we can just relight a few times.”
  • Happy birthday, my friend! I hope you blow all candles yourself or I would be calling the local department for fire services this year!
  • Here’s to another year of laughing until it hurts, dealing with stupid people, and keeping each other moderately sane. Happy birthday best friend!”
  • Happy birthday to one of my best friends! Here’s to laughing at our own jokes and keeping each other sane! Love ya.” ~Funny Birthday Messages For Best Friend~
  • You have become another year old. Good luck on that! Just make sure you try not to forget your car keys.
  • You know my capability to remember all the historical years with accurate dates during our history classes? Well, your birth date was not of course, so I did not remember. Belated birthday wishes sprinkled with a sorry kept in the dungeon!
  • It’s better to be one month older than one month late!
  • Happy birthday to my best friend. Without our conversations, my therapy bills would be outrageous.
  • Too many birthdays could mean you are closer to death. You had one just last year. Please stay safe because it is scientifically proven. Love you anyway!
  • Can’t keep calm, it’s my best friend’s birthday.
  • Happy birthday, buddy. I truly hope you get to enjoy cake without any tooth
  • You don’t have birthdays — you level up! Happy level up day to my best friend.”
  • This is to my best friend wishing her a best birthday. You must be happy and feel good because you look like you are 20 but you are 30 today.
  • Happy birthday to my best friend. Here’s to another year of spilling tea and making fun of other people’s Facebook posts
  • You have gotten a year older today but I won’t remind you of that. You can eat my piece of cake.
  • Happy birthday to my best friend ever! May your troubles be as few and far between as my grandmother’s teeth.
Funny Birthday Messages For Best Friend
  • On this birthday, I promise not to reveal your age number to any, but then you should probably blow those numbers 2 and 8 on your cake.
  • You are my best friend, my human diary, and my other half. Good thing your other half is so wonderful.
  • It is awesome to be in the youth stage and full of energy and active. Do you even remember how it used to feel like?
  • Happy birthday to a person who regularly makes me pee myself with laughter. By the way, that’s going to happen more and more the older we get.
  • I hope your laziness doesn’t show up while blowing the candles because I don’t want to blow your candles again.
  • Happy birthday, best friend! It is amazing the number of years we have known each other. Why have we put up with each other for so long? Do you think it’s because we like each other? Nope, it’s quite simple, we just know too many of each other’s secrets.
  • It is another year to your life. There must another part of your body that aches now.
  • May you grow old and rich, so that you can leave me a big inheritance
  • Just imagine what you would love to listen on your birthday, what kind of gifts you would like that you will cherish it forever. Assume I did them all to you and stay happy! Happy birthday, dear!
  • I promise I’ll tell you if you start turning into your mother/father if you do the same for me.
  • I made some cake for your birthday this year. It is going to be tasty and just like you want it. But then, unfortunately, I could not find a place to light enough candles. Then I remembered, oh! Your age.
  • Remember that pact we made about getting married if we’re still single by 35? Well, you better put a ring on it.
  • Birthdays are the days nature says us to have more portion of cakes. So move, let me eat your birthday cake. Oh, your portion too!


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  • From now on, we’re only doing brunch. Bedtime is 9:30.”
  • Let us get to reality. It gets older but never better! Wishing you a good birthday! Did I remind you? You are an exception, though.
  • I’ve always been able to trust you with all of my secrets, and now, even more so, because I’m not sure you’ll remember them!”
  • Today, I give you permission to illuminate candles on your favorite cake – your birthday one. You don’t have to worry, I have already informed the fire service department in this area.
  • I always knew we’d be friends till we were old and gray… but the gray part came a lot sooner than I expected.” ~Funny Birthday Messages For Best Friend~
  • Congratulations on this one more year of survival through your math class. You got this!
  • I’m so glad I found you all those years ago. Making friends at this age would suck.
  • We all know that wisdom comes with age but then, I see no signs of aging in you at all. Happy birthday, dear best friend!
  • The older I get, the more I dislike people. Glad you made the cut before it was too late!
  • Do not worry about the number of candles. Your age is just described by your behavior and it is totally worth it.
  • Please promise me you’ll never be one of those people our age who shocks me with how grown up they act.”
  • If you’ve made it past the driving age, the drinking age, and the lowering of car insurance age — you might be wondering what you have left to look forward too. The answer is birthday greetings like this one.
  • The good news: we’ve been friends for all these years. The bad news: it’s been a lot of years.
  • Now, doing the math with the number of candles on your cake, you would be requiring the lungs of the legendary Hercules to blow all these candles by yourself. No, I did not mean you are old and fat! I meant I’m your best friend and I’d help you.
  • Remember when we thought wine was so sophisticated? Now it’s the only thing people our age drink
  • This day makes you feel like the one like you are chosen. Maybe you stay away from the cake slices. I remember it is your birthday!
  • From now on we should give our ages in Roman numerals. We’ll sound smart, and it will take people a while to figure out how old we are.
  • Today is the day you realize you are old because your candles cost more than your cake.
  • Like any good friend, I got you only the most practical gifts… prune juice, Depends, and a whole lot of alcohol. ~Funny Birthday Messages For Best Friend~
  • I wish you take a real oath to do some exercise and wish you don’t walk up the stairs and call it exercise.
  • What’s the age rule for dating? Half your age plus seven years? So for you that’s… never mind. If I say they’re too young, they’re too young.
  • May your special day be sweet and spicy just like you, bestie!”
  • Happy birthday to my best friend. May we grow to be the hottest cougars around!”
  • You know everything about me and still decide to be my best friend… you are a deeply disturbed woman, you know that right? Happy birthday!”
  • Happy birthday to the most beautiful woman I have seen until now. And that is only because today is your birthday and I don’t use mirrors.
  • Actually, I wanted to get you something super special, super terrific, unique and beautiful for your birthday, but I don’t fit into the envelope.”
  • You look different today. That could be your charm that increased, your weight that decreased and the hairstyle you recently change. But no! then, I realize – you have just become a year older.
  • Count your blessings, not your wrinkles.”
  • For your birthday, I tried thinking of words like superb, impressive, awesome, stunning, and gorgeous. But anyway, I know I do not cost anything to think. So I quit! Happy birthday, you!
  • May your hair dye and mascara never run! Happy Birthday!”
  • I would wish you for all of your dreams to come true! But then, it will be a tough shot on me to find out a wish for you next year. Since you are going to be certainly alive and healthy for another year, let me just say Happy Birthday!
  • Cheers to a woman who stays young! (Only because she lies about her age.) Best wishes!”
  • Your birthday is such a special occasion that I wish I could wrap myself up and give myself to you as a gift. ~Funny Birthday Messages For Best Friend~
  • Best friends never need to be told they are best friends. So, I don’t need to tell you, right? Have a fantastic birthday, buddy!”
  • Every one of your birthdays is a special once in a lifetime experience, but I always wake up the next day too drunk to remember them.
  • It’s your birthday. Let’s do something stupid together.”
  • Many happy returns! May you receive one extra year added to your life for every pound you gain.
  • May God give you the appetite to enjoy your big day to the max, despite the fact that you are older and wrinklier today than you were yesterday.
  • On the day you were born, if your mother had set you adrift in a basket to escape the wrath of pharaoh, it would have sunk from the excessive weight.
  • For your birthday, I wanted to give you something that was both funny and charming, but then I remembered you already have me in your life.”
  • You possess the qualities of a President – the looks of George Bush, the intelligence of Barack Obama and the disciple of Bill Clinton – so let me use the occasion of your birthday to wish that you make the most of out our your life!
  • You see, you should not be ashamed of growing old, not only you get to play the smart guy all the time, but all antiques like you also have great value! Happy birthday old man!
  • On your birthday, to ensure you have many more, I’ve gotten you a designated driver. Cheers!
  • On your special day, I wish you peace, love, insight, relaxation, fun, knowledge, romance, friendship… and all that stuff that doesn’t cost anything.
  • For your Big Day, they should just create a cake with a liquor bottle inside.
  • Just imagine the things you’d want to hear on your birthday and assume I said them. Happy birthday!
  • May you grow old and rich, so that you can leave me a big inheritance.
  • Two tips for your birthday: 1. Forget the past, you can’t change it. 2. Forget the present, I didn’t get you one!
  • I love you so much that if I had a job I would have bought you a gift.
  • I’m so glad that we are growing older together and that you’ll always have a head start!
  • May this gift serve as an eternal reminder of our friendship because it’ll probably be the last one I ever buy.
  • We’ll be friends until we’re old and senile… and then we can be *new* friends!
  • Happy birthday, my dear. May your bank account grow so fast that you get audited by the IRS.
  • You’ve reached the age where your pregnancy would be labeled ‘geriatric.’ I think that’s just the universe telling you, don’t have kids. Stay wild and free with your BFF forever.
  • Welcome to spinsterhood, girlfriend!
  • On your special day, may you be blessed with the problems of the rich – such as where to park your yacht.
  • May your body grow so old that people mistake you for a piece of wood. Birthday greetings, best friend!
  • Remember when we watched ’13 Going on 30′ and thought 30 was so old?
  • Happy birthday to my beloved friend. I couldn’t have asked the casting director of life to give me a better sidekick.
  • May life compensate you like Floyd Mayweather for the many battles you have fought.
  • I thought about moving out of your house as you continue to grow old, but by the looks of things, you probably need me now more than ever.
  • If life were a sports league you would be MVP. Happy birthday and many more, dear friend.
  • Girl, you are thirty, flirty, and… surviving.
  • Buddy, even though you were born with no exceptional talent, marketable skill or extraordinary intelligence, I still believe that life has nothing but the best in store for you.
  • Every day that I go to the gym, I use you as an inspiration – of what I would become if I let myself slack off. Best birthday wishes, best bud!
  • You’ve always been the mom friend… but now you’re at the right age for the role!
  • Happy birthday to one of my favorite guys! I hope your day is as awesome as you are. And yes, I know that sappy stuff makes you cringe. But we don’t always get what we want for our birthday, do we?
  • You are such a special person that when you’re about to die I hope they freeze your brain so that it can be implanted in a robot a thousand years from now.
  • May your birthday rock as hard as you did in marching band.” ~Funny Birthday Messages For Best Friend~
  • As men, it’s not appropriate for us to shed tears when exchanging gifts on special occasions, but the one I’m giving you today cost me so much that I have to cry.
  • Hey man, look on the bright side: you’re almost old enough to start dating someone half your age.
  • We could use the occasion of your birthday to party our fat asses off like we always do. However, this year I want you to use this time to reflect on the finer things in life, and when I return from the club you can tell me all about them.
  • Happy birthday to a dear friend who has never acted their age. Never change.
  • As you grow older and wiser, may you also become senile and forget about the money I’m owing you.
  • In the Victorian Age, we would be almost dead!
  • Today would have been the perfect occasion to write sweet words about the greatest, most spectacular, uniquely exquisite friend in the world, but I already finished my autobiography a month ago.
  • Finding an age-appropriate gift was a challenge… nothing is fun anymore.
  • If life were a game of soccer, I would be the multi-million dollar striker and you would be the faithful water boy I wave to at the end of every big game. Wish you the best, sweet friend!
  • Wrapping myself up and gifting myself to you as a birthday present would make me seem vain, so I decided to present you with my life-sized portrait instead.
  • As you grow into manhood, may life bless you with children who love you just as much as you love making them!
  • Life without you is like a sitcom with no laugh track. Happy birthday, my beloved buddy.
  • May you age with the wisdom and strength of a Chinese kung-fu master.
  • You’re a shining example of what it means to still enjoy life even when logic dictates that you’re too old to.
  • In these coming years, may life bless you with so much prosperity that everything you touch turns to gold. May life also bless you with the grace to leave me, your best friend, all of your possessions once you die from starvation.
  • On this great day, may God bless you with booze made of water from the fountain of youth so that you’ll never age. Have a great one.
  • Happy birthday to someone good looking, super smart, charismatic, and charming. Wait… I meant from someone.” ~Funny Birthday Messages For Best Friend~
  • May an extra day be added to your life for every strand of hair that falls from your head.
  • Last year when I wished you old age, I didn’t know it would happen so fast! Forgive me.
  • Sometimes people say I must be gay for having a best friend who is also a female, but they don’t know you the way I do.
  • [insert age] is a perfect age. You’re old enough to recognize your mistakes but young enough to make some more. Happy birthday!
  • Best wishes! May you grow so old that all of your best friends are replaced by robots.
  • As the years progress, I learn each day to appreciate the simple things more and more, which is why we’re closer now than ever before.
  • We’ve been friends for so long I can’t remember which one of us is the bad influence! Happy birthday!
  • If Thanksgiving is symbolized by turkeys and Easter by rabbits, then the official animal of your birthday should be the tortoise. Happy birthday, my extremely old fart of a friend!
  • Growing old is inevitable. Growing up is optional.
  • It’s your birthday; eat the first and the last slice of cake just because you can!
  • Look on the bright side today. This is the youngest you’ll ever be again!
  • I would just like to point out that I knew today was your birthday before Facebook told me.
  • You used to get so annoyed when you were carded by every bartender. Now you’ll thank them!
  • I hope your day is filled with cake, dancing, and having the attention on you. You know things that normally happen. But this time, you get to do all of those things while wearing a silly party hat. Enjoy!
  • I wanted to get you the cast of ‘Magic Mike’ but they were too expensive. So I’ll just call the fire department when you start cooking tonight instead.
  • You’ve always been able to rock any hair color… gray included!
  • You’ve heard of the three ages of man: youth, middle age, and you’re looking wonderful.
  • You’re not forty; you’re eighteen with twenty-two years’ experience. 
  • Birthday cards get lost and junked but a text message is forever!
  • You look 22; you feel like 18; therefore, you act like your 10. Guess that makes you 50. Never change! Happy 50th 
  • When we were younger, old lady stuff like crochet was cute and quirky. Soon it’s just going to be expected of us.” ~Funny Birthday Messages For Best Friend~
  • Happy Birthday! Don’t forget to iron that birthday suit.
    …at aging. Can you at least try to look older?
  • You know you’re getting older when an “all-nighter” means not getting up to pee.
  • Middle age: that time when you finally get your head together – then your body falls apart.
  • How do you know you’ve hit middle-age? In preparation for a big sneeze, you cross your legs really hard and hope for the best!
  • You are so old, you walked into an antique shop and they sold you.
  • You know you’re getting old when you can’t walk past a bathroom without thinking, “I may as well pee while I’m here.”
  • You know you’re old when you turn down the lights to be economical instead of romantic.
  • A little gray hair is a small price to pay for so much wisdom.
  • You know you’re getting old when the little old gray-haired lady you helped across the street is your wife.
  • If gray hair is a sign of wisdom, then you’re a genius!
  • A wise man once said, “Forget about your past. You cannot change it.” I’d like to add: “Forget about your present. I didn’t get you one.”
  • To celebrate, let’s hit up all the places we can get free dessert and birthday songs! When else can you have groups of strangers sing to you without it being awkward?
  • You’re officially too old to shop at Forever 21.
  • Those aren’t grey hairs, you see. They’re strands of birthday glitter growing out of your head.
  • [insert age] is a perfect age. You’re old enough to recognize your mistakes but young enough to make some more. Happy Birthday!
  • Don’t worry. Those aren’t gray hairs. They’re wisdom-highlights. You just happen to be extremely wise. ~Funny Birthday Messages For Best Friend~
  • I wouldn’t say you’re old… you’ve just been young for longer than most of us. Happy Birthday!
  • You’re not getting older… just more distinguished! Happy Birthday.
  • By the time you’re [insert age], you’ve learned everything – you only have to remember it! Many happy returns on your birthday.


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