
Google Africa Developer Scholarship (GADS)

Complete Funded Google PhD Fellowship Program

Google LLC is an American international technology company that specializes in Internet- related services and products, which include online (advertising technologies, search machine, pall computing, software, and tackle). And it’s considered one of the Big Four (technology companies, alongside Amazon, Apple, and Facebook). Google was innovated in September (1998) by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were Ph.D. scholars at Stanford University in California.

To date, the Google Africa Inventor Education program has patronized over aspiring inventors in Africa to skill up with Pluralsight skills, supported by the. And this time, actors will have free, limited- time access to Pluralsight skills, with culled courses concentrated on either Google Associate Cloud Engineering or Associate Android Inventor.

The program has lots of phases in order for you to gain full access to excellent (Pluralsight skills) courses as well as mentoring from the (Andela Learning Community). And all of this is to help you upskill on important Google technologies.

If you are an aspiring inventor and a youthful African techy, then you’re invited to apply for Google Africa Inventor Education (2022). And the program aims to engage with aspiring inventors to help them make the skills they need to get a job in tech after the program is over.

The program gives actors free access to select courses, systems, bedded labs( powered by Qwiklabs and skill assessments- plus, support from the Google Inventor community. And the offers available in the Google Africa Scholarship will help inventors make the skills necessary to get their Google instrument.

Education Guarantor | Grow with Google, Pluralsight and Andela

  • The Education Type -Full
  • The Host Institutions – Pluralsight
  • The Scholarship Worth – See Scholarship Benefits( below)
  • The Number of Awards – Several
  • The Study Position – All study position
  • The Nation –  Africans

Google Africa Inventor Scholarship 2022| DETAILS

Google and Pluralsight have partnered for the third successive time to give a program to support software inventors across Africa in three different places – Associate Android Inventor and Associate Pall Mastermind. And the former actors have gone on to make poignant systems for their communities, make inconceivable way in their career peregrinations and indeed com Google certified inventors and masterminds.

Eligibility Criteria:

To be eligible for Google Africa Inventor Education (2022), aspirants must meet the following criteria:

  • Be an aspiring software inventor.
  • Be at least 18 years of age and be an occupant of a country in Africa.
  • Demonstrate excellent leadership and problem: working skills.

Education Benefits:

  • The Master in- demand Google inventor skills with expert penned Pluralsight content.
  • The development in medication for examination for the Associate Android Inventor Instrument.
  • The Mentorship support from the (GADS) program and the Google Inventor community.

Application Procedures

Then how to apply:

  • The interested aspirants for the Google Africa Inventor Education 2022 are to complete an onboarding check.
  • The Aspirants will also fill the enrollment form available after submitting the onboarding check.
  • To watch any of the available Pluralsight skills happy OR complete your  Associate Android Inventor Skill IQ.
  • The aspirants for Google Cloud can follow the same procedures, complete an onboarding check and also fill an enrollment form.

Important FAQs

So what’s the Google Africa Inventor Scholarship Program?

Google Africa Inventor Education program is a Grow with Google, Andela, and Pluralsight cooperation to support software inventors in Africa on Android, Google Cloud, and Mobile Web courses. And the end of this program is to continuously engage with aspiring and being inventors on these tracks to become professional inventors with chops that can get them openings after the program.

So what’s Andela Learning Community?

The Andela Learning Community is a network of technologists and tech suckers across Africa devoted to learning how to use technology to break humanity’s problems. And the ALC facilitates your literacy through the aid of guided mentorship from super stupendous literacy community ministers. Again, their thing is to give an ever growing population of aspiring technologists with the coffers and surroundings they need to become world- class problem solvers.

So what’s the Duration of this Program?

The program will be executed in 5 different phases:

  • The application Phase – MAY- JUNE for  3 Weeks.
  • The Learning Phase 1- JUNE- JULY for 6 Weeks.
  • The Learning Phase 2 JULY- SEPT  6 Weeks.
  • The Design Phase SEPT – OCT 3 Weeks.
  • The Instrument Phase  OCT – DEC 6 Weeks.

How do I get called into GADS?

  • The Pall- take the Associate Pall Mastermind Skill Command assessment or 1 hrs of part-specific engagement.
  • The AAD- take the Associate Android Inventor Skill Command or 1 hrs of part-specific engagement

how to advance to the Learning Phase 2?

  • The (AAD- 100) score on Associate Android Inventor (Skill IQ) or 10 hrs of part specific engagement.
  • The (Pall- 100) score on Associate Pall Mastermind Skill Command assessment or 10 hrs of part specific engagement.

how Can I change my email Address ?

No, unfortunately, you can not change your email post operation. And the email you have access to for the duration of the program. But emails will be a main mode of communication.

So can I change my track?

No, unfortunately, you can not change trackspost selection. And you’ll have to stick with the track you have.

How do I access Learning Content?

There’s a companion on how to access  Pluralsight content here

So how do I get my Qwiklabs login credentials?

You have to use the links handed within the videotape modules only and you can not access the free Qwiklabs offered in the program. Just go to Pluralsight, get into the videotape course, look for the Lab modules, Open the hand link and enjoy the deflect to Qwiklabs.

will I be handed a job at the end of the course?

We don’t guarantee job openings post the program but the chops gained will help you get openings after the program. But learners qualified for open places at Andela and Andela Talent Marketplace will be recommended for those openings.

So how can I ask questions or raise enterprises?

The Andela- Raise a ticket here then use the submit a ticket link on the Navigation Bar.

The Pluralsight- sends  an email to [email protected]

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