
How to Apply For Commonwealth Shared Scholarship

How to Apply For Commonwealth Shared Scholarship _ Applications are now welcomed to apply for the Commonwealth Shared Scholarship available in United Kingdom . All International/foreign Students from least developed and from the lower middle income Commonwealth countries/regions are called to apply for Commonwealth Scholarship. Candidates who wish to get their Master’s Degree in the United Kingdom are invited to apply.

Program Description

This Fully Funded Scholarship is available for the low income students. This is the golden opportunity for all students to study in the UK for Free. The scholarship is open for the academic session of 2023/2024. For this scholarship funding, Approved Round Airfare Tickets to be covered from your home country to the UK and as you return at the end of the award, Approved Full tuition fees will be covered, Monthly Stipend (a living allowance) at the rate of about £1,236 Per Month, or up to £1,516 Per Month for persons who are at universities in the London metropolitan area (these rates are quoted at 2022/2023 levels), Warm clothing allowance will be covered, where applicable.

In Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Thesis grant to see for the cost of preparing a thesis or your dissertation will be covered where applicable, Study travel grant to see for the cost of study-related travel within the UK or in overseas, Excess baggage allowance and Widowed/Divorced/a Single Parent Child allowance will also be covered. The Scholarship is open to students in all Academic Fields & Majors to get a Master’s Degree in Every academic Field. The time range of the Master Scholarship will be for 1 Year. Strengthening Global Peace, Security & Governance, Science and Technology for Development, Promoting Global Prosperity, Strengthening Health Systems & Capacity, Strengthening Resilience & Response to Crises as well as Access, Inclusion and Opportunity are some of the areas available at the Commonwealth program.

The Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan (CSFP) is rated in the list of the largest and most prestigious scholarships which are in the International Scholarship Schemes in the globe.The scholarship selects based on the Academic merit of the applicant, Quality of your plan of study and the Potential impact on the development of the candidate’s native country.

The Commonwealth Shared Scholarships are to be funded by the UK Foreign | Commonwealth and Development Office _FCDO. This initiative enables talented and motivated individuals to gain the knowledge and skills needed for sustainable development, and help those who would not otherwise be able to pay to study in the UK. Commonwealth Scholarships are open for candidates from the less developed and low-middle-income Commonwealth regions who are study a full-time master’s degree in Eligible courses at a UK university. Must

Summary of Details About Commonwealth Shared Scholarship

Scholarship is Provided by: FCDO Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
Degree levels available: Master’s degree
Scholarship financial coverage: Fully Funded
Eligible nationality: Open to Commonwealth Countries
Award country: Study in United Kingdom
Last Date to Apply : 13 December 2022.

Scholarship Financial Coverage at Commonwealth Shared Scholarship

The Commonwealth Shared Scholarship will see for the following expenses:

  • Approved Round Airfare Tickets to be covered from your home country to the UK and as you return at the end of the award.
  • Approved Full tuition fees will be covered
  • Monthly Stipend (a living allowance) at the rate of about £1,236 Per Month, or up to £1,516 Per Month for persons who are at universities in the London metropolitan area (these rates are quoted at 2022/2023 levels)
  • Warm clothing allowance will be covered, where applicable
  • Thesis grant to see for the cost of preparing a thesis or your dissertation will be covered where applicable
  • Study travel grant to see for the cost of study-related travel within the UK or in overseas.
  • Excess baggage allowance
  • Widowed/Divorced/a Single Parent Child allowance will also be covered.

Available Fields and Majors:

Every Academic Fields & Majors are open which ranges from Arts, Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Clinical Science, Medical Sciences, Engineering and Sciences,Education, etc. The list is given below;

  • Strengthening Global Peace, Security & Governance
  • Science and Technology for Development
  • Promoting Global Prosperity
  • Strengthening Health Systems & Capacity
  • Strengthening Resilience & Response to Crises
  • Access, Inclusion and Opportunity

Eligible Countries Commonwealth Shared Scholarship

Bangladesh, Fiji, Belize, Botswana, Cameroon, Dominica, Eswatini, Gabon, The Gambia, Ghana, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Kenya, India, Kiribati, Lesotho, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Nigeria, Mauritius, Montserrat, Mozambique, Namibia,Nauru, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Rwanda, Saint Helena, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Togo, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Tonga, Tuvalu, Uganda, Vanuatu and Zambia

Eligibility Criteria for Application into Commonwealth Shared Scholarship

  • You must Be a citizen of or have been granted refugee status by an qualified Commonwealth country, or you must be a British protected person.
  • You must Be permanently resident in any of the above mentioned country.
  • Be available to begin your academic studies in the UK by the commencement of the UK academic year in September 2023
  • Those who have rounded-up their 4 Year Bachelor Degree or those who have Finished 2 Year bachelor and 2 Year Masters are fit to apply for the Commonwealth UK Scholarship.
  • By September 2023, you must be a first degree of not less than an upper second class (2:1) honors standard, or a second class degree honors (2:2) and equivalent postgraduate qualification (that is a Master’s degree)
  • You must Not have studied or worked for an (academic) year or more in any high-income country
  • You must Be unable to afford to study in the UK without the Commonwealth scholarship.

Selection Criteria

  • Academic merit of the applicant
  • Quality of your plan of study
  • Potential impact on the development of the candidate’s native country

Application Deadline

The last date to apply for the Commonwealth International Scholarships available for International Students is on the 13th day of December 2022 .


How Can I apply for Commonwealth Shared Scholarship?

You will be required to Apply Online for the Commonwealth Shared Scholarship by Visiting “Apply Now” link and then you can create your account _ that is if you already don’t have.
Just before You apply, you must Be a citizen of or have been granted refugee status by an qualified Commonwealth country, or you must be a British protected person, You must Be permanently resident in any of the above mentioned country,Be available to begin your academic studies in the UK by the commencement of the UK academic year in September 2023, Those students who have rounded-up their 4 Year Bachelor Degree or those who have Finished 2 Year bachelor and 2 Year Masters are fit to apply for the Commonwealth UK Scholarship.

  • By the end of September 2023, you must be a first degree of not less than an upper second class (2:1) honors standard, or a second class degree honors (2:2) and equivalent postgraduate qualification (that is a Master’s degree), You must Not have studied or worked for an (academic) year or more in any high-income country, You must Be unable to afford to study in the UK without the Commonwealth scholarship
  • You will have to Fill the Online Application From completely and then Upload the necessary documents after which you can then submit your application. The Link of the Shared Scholarship Official advertisement is given below:

Official Website


Interested and fit? Your Applications are now welcomed to apply for the Commonwealth Shared Scholarship available in United Kingdom . The last date to apply for the Commonwealth International Scholarships available for International Students is on the 13th day of December 2022 .All International/foreign Students from least developed and from the lower middle income Commonwealth countries/regions are encouraged to apply for Commonwealth Scholarship.

Frequently Asked Questions

Those who have rounded-up their 4 Year Bachelor Degree or those who have Finished 2 Year bachelor and 2 Year Masters are fit to apply for the Commonwealth UK Scholarship.

By September 2023, you must be a first degree of not less than an upper second class (2:1) honors standard, or a second class degree honors (2:2) and equivalent postgraduate qualification (that is a Master’s degree)




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