Apply For Fully Funded Hungary Scholarship Program

Hungary Scholarship

The Government of Hungary has blazed the inception of operations for the [Hungary Scholarship Programme] for [Christian Young People] for the year [2022]. The youthful people across the globe, especially those living in extremity regions of the world are invited to apply for this education programme.

This Scholarship for [Christian Young People] is organized by the [State Secretariat] for Hungary’s Helps Program. And the Hungary Helps agency is in charge of coordinating the [Scholarship Programme] from August [2020].

The core charge of the [Scholarship Programme] for [Christian Young People] is to give the possibility of studying in Hungary for youthful Christian students living in the extremity regions of the world and/ or being hovered in their country because of their faith.

Then as a [Christian Education holder], you can receive an internationally honored degree at a top- position Hungarian advanced education institution and acquire largely competitive knowledge to advance both morally and academically. And you can choose from programs tutored in English that cover some advanced education fields at all degree situations.

At this institution of Pécs, you can select between their [19 study] programs. And the Scholarship Programme for Christian Young People is also an excellent occasion to make your professional network and discover everything about the country in a supporting and welcoming student environment.

After completing their studies, the education holders will return to help their home community with their gained knowledge, and they will share in the reconstruction of war- destroyed countries and contribute to enhancement of social situations and preservation of the culture of Christian communities. And the application Deadline varies until [2359] Central European Time.

Is it Annually? -Yes! it’s usually down anuually

Their Eligible Countries: The education is blazoned for the citizens of the following countries: The [‘Egypt’- ‘Lebanese Republic’- ‘Republic of Iraq’ -‘State of Israel’- ‘Palestine’- ‘Islamic Republic of Pakistan’- ‘Syrian Arab Republic’-The ‘Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan’- ‘Republic of Kenya’- ‘Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia & Nigeria’]

To be taken to which country? – At Hungary for now, if there’s any other country included, it will be stated as soon as possible.

The Hungary Scholarship Program for Christian Young People The Scholarship Programme for Christian Young People( SCYP) was innovated in the year [2017] by the Government of Hungary.

  • Their Scholarship Sponsors – Is Hungarian Government
  • Their Scholarship Type – Is Fully Funded Scholarships
  • Their Host Institutions – Is Hungarian Universities
  • The Number of Awards – Is Up to 200 per year
  • The Study Level – Is Undergraduate/Postgraduate
  • Their Nationality – Is International Students

Hungary Scholarship Programme for Christian Young People And Their Details

The main duties of this [SCYP] is to give openings to pursue best education studies in Hungarian host institutions for [Christian youth] living in extremity regions of the world or being hovered in their countries because of their faith.

Their Eligibility:

This Scholarship is based on the cooperation between the [Ministry of Human Capacities of Hungary and churches], pursuing philanthropic conditioning in extremity regions.

The aspirants may not have Hungarian citizenship. And the original Churches are to corroborate and prove that the aspirant belongs to their religious community. But only those operations can be awarded with education, which also retain the recommendation from the original Church along with the blessing of the Deputy State Secretariat for the aid of persecuted Christians.

The Scholarship holders must retain the applicable language and education instruments, degrees requested by the host university of the named degree programme. The education holders commit themselves in the education agreement that after the education agreement ends they return to their home countries, if the original security and political conditions allow it.

The Scholarship is for youthful aspirants who are more than [18 years] of age by the time their education starts.  And the existent may win the education only one time at a study position.

Their Selection Criteria:

  • Their applications are considered formally eligible if all criteria are met
  • The aspirant has applied for a education type and study programme available within the frame of the Scholarship Programme;
  • The aspirant has submitted the operation and all documents as needed no latterly than the application deadline- except for cases listed in section3.3.
  • The aspirant has proved his/ her language proficiency and the language skills to meet the conditions of the Host Institution.
  • The aspirants with an eligible, formally correct application can do the institutional entrance examinations. And each aspirant can share in over two institutional entrance examinations grounded on the submitted application form.
  • The Number of their Awards is Not specified

Core Value of Hungary Scholarship Program for Christian Young People

Their Tuition Free Education: You are exempted from the payment of educational charges..

Their yearly paycheck: The bachelors, master and one- league master position yearly quantum of HUF 119 000( cca. EUR 380) donation to the living charges in Hungary, for 12 months a time, until the completion of studies.

Their Accommodation: Their dormitory place or a donation of [HUF 40 000] to accommodation costs for the whole duration of the education period.

Their payment of trip costs: The [HUF 200 000]  year – cca. EUR 645.

Their Medical insurance: Their health care services according to the applicable Hungarian legislation -ActNo. 80 of 1997, public health insurance card and supplementary medical insurance for over to [HUF 65 000 – cca. EUR 205 a year per person


Their education fees are completely covered by the programme and the education holders also receive support for travelling and accommodation costs.

How You Can Apply

The aspirants must fill out and save all requested information on the online application form in English language and also present all applicable documents. And the interested aspirants should click then to join the programme here and to begin application, you will be asked to – Confirm your citizenship in a popup menu on the application page and select the course you want to study and click on the link about to continue. And their application deadline is not specified.


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