
Japanese MEXT Government Scholarships

japan MEXT Scholarships

Popular for its flare of making things easier and life comfortable, Japan, the third largest economy with an educational system that is geared towards research and development. With approximately 770 Universities and colleges that provide degrees, Japan has provided worldwide mechanics from great minds, breaking into the market with products like Nissan, Panasonic, Toyota, Sony, canon and others.

Life In Japan

Living and studying in japan can be quite expensive as accommodation takes the bigger chunk of it all. Students are open to three options; guesthouses, private renting, dormitories. Students are offered about 15% discount on commuter passes as they transit from school to their respective resting places. Y Therefore, to avoid spending extravagantly on transportation, students are advised to live very close to the University of their Choice. Also, daily feeding takes about 800 – 1000 yen, covering breakfast, lunch and dinner in restaurants around Japan. An average cost of feeding is at a fee of 24,000 yen. To curb these expenses and promote International studies, the Japanese Government provides a solution that caters to all these needs

Introduction to MEXT

To assist students who cannot afford a higher education or have financial problems, the Government’s goal to enhance and grow the relationship between Japan and other countries through the MEXT scholarship has not only been made valid but has also been a source of economic growth and development as 80% of graduate students choose to stay and work in Japan, bringing value to it’s the nation in terms of education, technology and business.

MEXT, Ministry of Education, culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan offers Scholarships to students who choose Japan as their destination of study. Undergraduate, Masters and PhD students are welcome to live and study in an environment where richly cultured, research-based opportunities exist. Japan is exceptionally welcoming to International students, contributing to its multicultural zone. Pursuing a degree in Japan exposes International students to a creative and modern lifestyle, promoting free thought and self discovery.

Regarded as one of the best nations in the World, over 130,000 International students choose and attend Universities in Japan with relatively low crime rate, a polite communicative system and fantastic Scholarship opportunities that also assist both foreign and local students in attaining higher education. The mild weather, travel and demonstrative tradition is a perfect place for students to embrace a new life.

MEXT Scholarship

This Scholarship is available for six different kinds of students, depending on the choice of program which covers tuition, accommodation, travel fare and living expenses in Japan. Participants of this programme are the Science students, teacher training students, undergraduate students, technology college students, and advanced training college students aimed at financing their education and making learning comfortable and stress-free. The stipend given to these students is around $1,000 for undergraduates and $1,300 for graduate students per month.

International students are nominated by either the Embassy or the university depending also on the program which could be for a period of 5 years for undergraduates and 7 years for medicine and dentistry students.

Host University


Level of study

Undergraduate, Masters, PhD, Training Programs, Specialized Programs



Undergraduate; 4 – 5 years

Masters; 2 – 3 years

PhD; 3 – 4 years

Application deadlines

Pakistan – 21st of May

Singapore – 25th of june

Bagladesh – 26th of May

The general deadline for registration is June, 2022


Below is a sneak peak on some of the courses offered in MEXT;

  • Planning, Architecture and Environmental Systems
  • Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Mechanical and aerospace Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Machinery and Control Systems
  • Engineering and Design
  • Automotive engineering
  • Electronic Information systems
  • Electronic Information systems
  • Bioscience
  • Civil Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Chemistry
  • Interdisciplinary Engineering
  • Materials Science and Engineering
  • Biomedical engineering
  • Chemistry
  • Engineering Sciences and Mechanics
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Global Science
  • Agriculture and Forestry
  • Applied sciences and Professions
  • Physics
  • Integrated Arts and sciences
  • Applied Chemistry
  • Applied Marine biology
  • Advanced Molecular Chemistry

Eligibility Criteria

In order to qualify for a MEXT Scholarship, here are the requirements to be qualified;

  • Applicants must be able to speak English
  • Applicants all over the World can apply
  • Applicants who wish to gain a Masters or PhD degree must be under 35 years of age or must have completed 16 years of education.
  • Applicants who wish to apply for the Teaching training must be 35 year s of age and a graduate of a college or teacher training college with at least five years of active experience as a teacher in a Secondary, Primary or teacher training college.
  • Applicants must be in good health
  • Applicants should be committed to learning Japanese
  • Undergraduate applicants must be at the age of 17 and under 25 and should have completed a 12-year prior degree.
  • Japanese applicants have to be 18 and 30 years old with a major in the Japanese language
  • Applicants must have the nationality of a nation that is diplomatically affiliated with Japan
  • Applicants who have completed a standard program study period of three years or more at universities
  • Applicants who have been awarded an overseas degree equivalent to a Masters or professional degree
  • Applicants who have been involved in research study at universities or research centers for two years or more.
  • Doctoral applicants who have completed about 18 years of school education.
  • No IELTS or TOEFL is needed.

Benefits of studying in Japan

  • Tuition fee will be provided as the Scholarship covers the fees and also provides other stipends
  • Access to a rich culture in Japan from its ceremonies to its unique events and traditional celebrations
  • Learning a new language; Japan’s language is unique and studying there gives you an edge as you do not need to take extra classes (if you wish) to learn a new language
  • Masters students receives a monthly stipend of about 140,000 yen for feeding, books, upkeep and other costs
  • Transportation allowances in Japan: commuting from the student’s place of living to the campus is expensive so an amount is given to assist the students.
  • Exam fees will be taken care of which is given to these students
  • Residence In the University dormitories
  • Entrance fee reimbursement
  • Enjoy a peaceful, safe environment for learning; Its low crime rate and exciting scenery, Japan is a place that many students apply to
  • Low tuition and access to scholarships
  • Job opportunities after graduation; Internships and work opportunities are introduced to the students who choose to stay behind after their studies

How to apply

To apply for a Scholarship, the following documents are needed;

  • Visit the website of the Japanese Embassy of your country
  • Fill out the form online
  • Submit the required documents; Two recommendation letters written by the applicant’s teachers, advisors, employers, etc, a passport Scan, Curriculum Vitae, Photographs, study plan, statement of purpose, English Language Proficiency Document, Academic thesis, medical certificates, transcripts.
  • Carry out a written test conducted by the Embassy
  • Check your mail if accepted
  • Shortlisted candidate will be contacted by the Embassy and request for an acceptance letter

There are lots of benefits to studying in Japan as an International student. The MEXT Scholarship is currently running. Apply.

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