
200 Karma Narcissist Quotes

karma narcissist quotes

200 Karma Narcissist Quotes — Even if you have to work with someone like this, you can still find ways to put karma in the driver’s seat and make sure the narcissist gets his or her just desserts over time.


The following are 200 karma quotes for narcissists who probably believe that karma doesn’t exist, or at least hasn’t affected them just yet. If you know any narcissists, share these karma quotes with them to prove otherwise!

Who is a Narcissist?

A narcissist is a person who has an inflated sense of their own importance and a deep need for admiration. They often seem self-absorbed, but it’s not because they don’t care about other people. It’s because they care too much about themselves.

A narcissist is a person with a personality disorder characterised by an inflated sense of their own importance, an intense need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others. Their extreme self-centeredness leads to them being unable to feel any concern about other people’s feelings.

They tend to be so absorbed in themselves that they ignore how their actions affect others. Some are aware of how negatively they affect people but simply don’t care enough to change. Oftentimes, this type of personality disorder can be treated by seeking medical care and or a therapist.

200 Karma Narcissist Quotes

1. Narcissists are consumed with maintaining a shallow false self to others. They’re emotionally crippled souls that are addicted to attention. Because of this they use a multitude of games, in order to receive adoration. Sadly, they are the most ungodly of God’s creations because they don’t show remorse for their actions, take steps to make amends or have empathy for others. They are morally bankrupt.

2. Realise that narcissists have an addiction disorder. They are strongly addicted to feeling significant. Like any addict they will do whatever it takes to get this feeling often. That is why they are manipulative and future fakers. They promise change, but can’t deliver if it interferes with their addiction. That is why they secure backup supplies.

3. Maybe, the lesson we can all learn from the inner sadness of a Narcissist is to see through our own fabrications, our own illusions so that we can be set free to be real once more.

4. Many victims of narcissistic abuse are hypersensitive. They don’t want to be told by others that they are wrong when they fight with their narcissist. They see it as standing up for themselves, when in reality it is perpetuating what the narcissist wants ; drama and a reaction.

5. When people don’t tell you the truth, what they really are saying is they don’t value you or their relationship with you enough to be honest. 

6. Only a demon would prevent a person from saving lives or fulfilling their life mission. There is no reasoning with the devil. Stand with pride because your heart is filled with the goodness of helping others, while theirs is filled with helping themselves.

7. The worst lies were the lies I told myself about the lies others told me.

8. Narcissists withhold affection to punish you. Withhold attention to get revenge. And withhold an emotional empathetic response to make you feel insecure.

9. Ego is born of the need to ‘prove’ oneself instead of making the choice to ‘be’ oneself.

10. Parents are supposed to give the child back to herself with love. If they’ve got duct tape over their eyes because of narcissism, it doesn’t happen.

11. But both the narcissist and his partner do not really consider each other. Trapped in the moves of an all-consuming dance macabre, they follow the motions morbidly; semiconscious, desensitised, exhausted, and concerned only with survival.

12. Narcissistic abuse is not just that someone dumped you or who you had a little tiff with. NA is psychological abuse and brainwashing using intermittent reward and punishment, coercive control and withholding normal empathetic, emotional reactions to lower your self esteem.

13. The only good decision you will make while with them is leaving!

14. The lion is most handsome when looking for food.

15. I think writers are the most narcissistic people. Well, I mustn’t say this, I like many of them, a great many of my friends are writers.

16. There was nothing more unattractive than narcissism, she thought: nothing could transform beauty into a cloying, unattractive quality than that self-conscious appreciation of self.

17. Those who get upset for being treated the way that they treat others, will never understand why others treat them the way that they treat others.

18. Even though friends say they are interested in your life, they never really want to talk about you as much as you want them to.

19. But that’s the thing about narcissists. They can try to fool you, with all their heart, but in the end, they’re just fooling themselves.

20. Relationships with narcissists are held in place by hope of a “someday better,” with little evidence to support it will ever arrive.

21. The narcissist is like a bucket with a hole in the bottom: No matter how much you put in, you can never fill it up. The phrase “I never feel like I am enough” is the mantra of the person in the narcissistic relationship. That’s because to your narcissistic partner, you are not. No one is. Nothing is.

22. You can teach a narcissist to show up on time, … but you can’t train them to listen once they get there.

23. Because they always measure themselves by other people, they also measure themselves against other people. They are chronically reliant on the opinions of others to form their own sense of self and are always comparing themselves, their status, their possessions and their lives to other people to determine their sense of worth and self-esteem (in a way, narcissists outsource their sense of self).

24. Narcissism is very much a “disorder of superficiality.” Given that the entire world is trending towards greater superficiality in all endeavours such as work, school, parenting, and love, the narcissists’ propensity toward superficiality no longer seems that unusual.

25. The emptiness of the narcissist often means that they are only focused on whatever is useful or interesting to them at the moment. If at that moment it is interesting for them to tell you they love you, they do. It’s not really a long game to them, and when the next interesting issue comes up, they attend to that. The objectification of others and viewing other people as objects useful to his needs can also play a role.

26. Are you a flying monkey? Be careful. Don’t get caught up in a narcissist’s mind games.

27. They provoke you but when you defend yourself, they cry victim.

28. Beware of narcissistic people. They’ll tell everyone you’re crazy, only to cover up their trickery.

29. A narcissist’s criticism is their autobiography.

30. Children of narcissists learn that love is abuse. The narcissist teaches them that if someone displeases you, it is okay to harm them and call it love.

31. If you want to go from being adored to devalued in the blink of an eye, simply insult the narcissist.

32. I am a recovering narcissist. I thought narcissism was about self-love till someone told me there is a flip side to it. It is actually drearier than self-love; it is unrequited self-love.

33. The spirit of arrogance most definitely makes you shine. It paints a bright red target on your own forehead.

34. Narcissists withhold affection to punish you. Withhold attention to get revenge. And withhold an emotional empathetic response to make you feel insecure.

35. Narcissism is voluntary blindness, an agreement not to look beneath the surface.

36. Narcissists would rather lie and humiliate you than to admit that they were in the wrong.

37. I wish that people would stop destroying other people just because they were once destroyed.

38. Withhold admiration from a narcissist and be disliked. Give it and be treated with indifference.

39. The ‘I’ is the ego that we must avoid at any cost, if we truly wish to be different from narcissists. Instead of using ‘I’ repeatedly, it would be wise to replace it with ‘we’.

40. Please repair your narcissism before you start loving your neighbour as yourself.

41. Narcissistic abuse is a form of psycho-emotional abuse that takes place when a pathological narcissist targets another individual and exposes them to trauma. It can also manifest as physical, financial, spiritual and sexual abuse.

42. Love is intermittent reinforcement with spouses and children alike. The child is love-bombed when the narcissist feels the child reflects their false self. The moment the child fails to do so, the narcissistic parent blithely discards them.

43. Hate is the complement of fear and narcissists like being feared. It imbues them with an intoxicating sensation of omnipotence.

44. Most of the narcissists are geniuses and masters of Psychology. But they are using their knowledge to eradicate, rather than to help humanity.

45. Narcissists, however, are similar to a spider that has built a web for its prey to bring itself.

46. For all his inner suffering, the narcissist has many traits that make for success in bureaucratic institutions, which put premium on the manipulation of interpersonal relations, discourage the formation of deep personal attachments, and at the same time provide the narcissist with the approval he needs in order to validate his self-esteem.

47. In order to polish and perfect the part he has devised for himself, the new Narcissus gazes at his own reflection, not so much in admiration as in unremitting search of flaws, signs of fatigue, decay. Life becomes a work of art, while “the first art work in an artist,” in Norman Mailer’s pronouncement, “is the shaping of his own personality.

48. Notwithstanding his occasional illusions of omnipotence, the narcissist depends on others to validate his self-esteem. He cannot live without an admiring audience.

49. Daughters of narcissistic mothers absorb the message “I am valued for what I do, rather than for who I am.

50. Narcissists commonly cut people off and out of their lives due to their shallow emotional style of seeing others as either good or bad.

51. Dealing with a narcissist in a divorce is like dealing with a bully. The wear and tear you will experience when you try to protect your child’s emotional welfare will be significant. Even though you are mentally healthier than the narcissist, you can look unstable to the professionals involved in your case due to your reactions to the bully’s abusive behaviour.

52. One of the main effects of social media is our confusion of someone’s obsession with their appearance with self-love or confidence.

53. You used me. You made me feel special then threw me away when you were bored. You took my trust. You broke my trust. You turned people against me. You turned me against myself.

54. All narcissists are self-obsessed, but malignant narcissists are at the top of the scale. They have a pathological self-belief, a sense of grandiosity, even, which demands attention and admiration. They’re convinced they’re special in some way and want other people to acknowledge it as well. Crucially, they’re also sadists who lack any conscience. They don’t necessarily get fulfilment from inflicting pain, but they enjoy the sense of power it gives them. And they’re indifferent to any suffering they might cause.

55. Narcissistic pleasure seekers routinely avoid developing the humility required to manufacture a life of full measure. Shallow persons such as me hide their insecurities behind a false persona of bravado, boasting of their inconsequential deeds, pyrrhic victories, and adamant refusals to tackle any task that they fear.

56. Americans are experiencing an epidemic in narcissistic behaviour in a culture that is intrinsically self-conscious and selfish, and citizens are encouraged to pursue happiness and instant gratification of their personal desires.

57. It is already hard enough to understand what someone is saying. Discussion is just an exercise in narcissism where everyone takes turns showing off. Very quickly, you no longer have any idea what is being discussed.

58. Being a control freak is a weakness, not a strength. If you can’t allow others to shine, you’re exhibiting signs of narcissism and showing a lack of self-confidence. It is isolation through ego.

59. Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great ones make you feel that you, too, can become great.

60. When you choose to look down on something, you render yourself incapable of understanding it.

61. People don’t care about this kind of stuff, ya know? We want self-improvement, not self-knowledge. We want change,” he motioned with his hands in a strange attempt to mock modern-day hipsters’ version of change, “But not for any particular reason. We want to do good deeds but only if we can tell others about it. We want all sorts of ideals, not for their own sake, but rather for the sake of appearances. We don’t want knowledge; we want to show others we have knowledge.

62. The thing about a mirror is this: the one who stares into it is condemned to consider the world from her own perspective.

63. When I look at narcissism through the vulnerability lens, I see the shame-based fear of being ordinary. I see the fear of never feeling extraordinary enough to be noticed, to be lovable, to belong, or to cultivate a sense of purpose.

65. There is simply no winning with a narcissist. He will treat you so horribly that you will become withdrawn and depressed and then he will turn around and say, ‘You’re no fun anymore, you’re always so depressed. I need to be with someone more positive.

66. Babies cry to get their needs met. Narcissists are great actors and often use tears as a tool of manipulation, this is an abuse tactic! Do not allow them to let this work as guilt, they are acting!

67. Children of narcissists learn that love is abuse. The narcissist teaches them that if someone displeases you, it is okay to harm them and call it love.

68. Americans are experiencing an epidemic in narcissistic behaviour in a culture that is intrinsically self-conscious and selfish, and citizens are encouraged to pursue happiness and instant gratification of their personal desires.

69. Often the narcissist believes that other people are “faking it”, leveraging emotional displays to achieve a goal. He is convinced that their ostensible “feelings” are grounded in ulterior, non-emotional motives. Faced with other people’s genuine emotions, the narcissist becomes suspicious and embarrassed. He feels compelled to avoid emotion-tinged situations, or worse, experiences surges of almost uncontrollable aggression in the presence of expressed sentiments. They remind him how imperfect he is and how poorly equipped.

70. That which he projects ahead of him as his ideal, is merely his substitute for the lost narcissism of his childhood – the time when he was his own ideal.

71. As individuals and as a nation, we now suffer from social narcissism. The beloved echo of our ancestors, the virgin America, has been abandoned. We have now fallen in love with our own image, with images of our making, which turn out to be images of ourselves.

72. And we need to know what it is to be human if we are to avoid becoming narcissists.

73. Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important … They justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.

74. We are to give (and take) true love without falling into the narcissistic habit of only trying to take it in.

75. I spend my life constantly calling in ‘imaginary’ debts that aren’t owed to me in order to avoid the ‘real’ debts that I owe to others, and so everybody ends up bankrupt.

76. No other being is less human than the one who thinks of others as such.

77. The worst lies were the lies I told myself about the lies others told me.

78. Half the pain in human life comes from gazing in mirrors.

79. When people are driving themselves crazy, they have neuroses or psychoses. When they drive other people crazy, they have personality disorders.

80. The narcissist is like a bucket with a hole in the bottom: No matter how much you put in, you can never fill it up. The phrase “I never feel like I am enough” is the mantra of the person in the narcissistic relationship. That’s because to your narcissistic partner, you are not. No one is. Nothing is.

81. Hate is the complement of fear and narcissists like being feared. It imbues them with an intoxicating sensation of omnipotence.

82. Love is intermittent reinforcement with spouses and children alike. The child is love-bombed when the narcissist feels the child reflects their false self. The moment  the child fails to do so, the narcissistic parent blithely discards them.

83. Playing the victim role: Manipulator portrays him- or herself as a victim of circumstance or of someone else’s behaviour in order to gain pity, sympathy or evoke compassion and thereby get something from another. Caring and conscientious people cannot stand to see anyone suffering and the manipulator often finds it easy to play on sympathy to get cooperation.

84. I like to be admired from afar, and then complimented up close.

85. Even though friends say they are interested in your life, they never really want to talk about you as much as you want them to.

86. If I encounter a toddler with a machete, I may feel worried about the toddler, but I still get out of the way so that I do not get hurt. In the process of taking care of their own needs, many people with NPD hurt those around them. They are swinging mental machetes — devaluing words and abusive actions. Punchline: I believe that Narcissists deserve our compassion, but compassion does not involve giving them permission to hurt other people or overlooking any damage that they do.

87. When a toxic person can no longer control you, they will try to control how others see you. The misinformation will feel unfair, but stay above it, trusting that other people will eventually see the truth just like you did.

88. Please repair your narcissism before you start loving your neighbour as yourself.

89. Emotionally, narcissists are like brick walls who see and hear others but fail to understand or relate to them. As a result of their emotional shallowness, narcissists are essentially devoid of all empathy or compassion for other people. Lacking empathy, a narcissist is a very destructive and dangerous person to be around.

90. In such a self-centred society, many people have gone to the extreme of narcissism—being solely concerned about their own personal well-being and agendas while excluding and exploiting others. Narcissism is not only an epidemic but is also a pandemic of our times that has been normalised and accepted. Self-serving, narcissistic people are incapable and unwilling to love due to a lack of authentic self and love for one’s self and others.

91. I understand perfectly because I’m in love with myself. The fact that I’m not transfixed in front of the nearest mirror takes a great deal of self-control.

92. Withhold admiration from a narcissist and be disliked. Give it and be treated with indifference.

93. I wish that people would stop destroying other people just because they were once destroyed.

94. Narcissists would rather lie and humiliate you than to admit that they were in the wrong.

95. Narcissism is voluntary blindness, an agreement not to look beneath the surface.

96. Narcissists withhold affection to punish you. Withhold attention to get revenge. And withhold an emotional empathetic response to make you feel insecure.

97. When the healthy pursuit of self-interest and self-realisation turns into self-absorption, other people can lose their intrinsic value in our eyes and become mere means to the fulfilment of our needs and desires.

98. Relationships with narcissists are held in place by hope of a ‘someday better,’ with little evidence to support it will ever arrive.

99. The spirit of arrogance most definitely makes you shine. It paints a bright red target on your own forehead.

100. To love oneself is the beginning of a life-long romance.

101. He’s satisfied with himself. If you have a soul you can’t be satisfied.

102. I am a recovering narcissist. I thought narcissism was about self-love till someone told me there is a flip side to it. It is actually drearier than self-love; it is unrequited self-love.

103. A narcissist paints a picture of themselves as being the victim or innocent in all aspects. They will be offended by the truth. But what is done in the dark will come to light. Time has a way of showing people’s true colours.

104. How starved you must have been that my heart became a meal for your ego.

105. Everyone thinks they’re entitled to their 15 minutes of fame. And it’s that narcissism that makes people, who have no business writing a book, think they can write a book.

106. But both the narcissist and his partner do not really consider each other. Trapped in the moves of an all-consuming dance macabre, they follow the motions morbidly – semiconscious, desensitised, exhausted, and concerned only with survival.

107. Realise that narcissists have an addiction disorder. They are strongly addicted to feeling significant. Like any addict they will do whatever it takes to get this feeling often. That is why they are manipulative and future fakers. They promise change, but can’t deliver if it interferes with their addiction. That is why they secure backup supplies.

108. Observe well how the word ‘narcissism’ is often used in marriages. The victims are often those who have separated with their significant other, rather than being on good terms with them. Therefore, we must dig deeper to the core of the word and discover its true meaning. In return, we will get a glimpse of our mentality and the main attributes that drive us to label each other with that conflicted word.

109. Parents are supposed to give the child back to herself with love. If they’ve got duct tape over their eyes because of narcissism, it doesn’t happen.

110. No matter how socially skilled an extreme narcissist is, he has a major attachment dysfunction. The extreme narcissist is frozen in childhood.

111. I wonder if the course of narcissism through the ages would have been any different had Narcissus first peered into a cesspool. He probably did.

112. Pathological narcissists can lose touch with reality in subtle ways that become extremely dangerous over time. When they can’t let go of their need to be admired or recognized, they have to bend or invent a reality in which they remain special despite all messages to the contrary.

113. What are narcissists looking for, after all? Just someone at their level that they can feel superior to.

114. Love doesn’t die a natural death. Love has to be killed, either by neglect or narcissism.

115. Where there is much pride or much vanity, there will also be much revengefulness.

116. Every narcissist is a hero and a legend in his own mind.

117. The ultimate obscenity is not caring, not doing something about what you feel, not feeling! Just drawing back and drawing in, becoming narcissistic.

118. Out of all the addictions in the world, Attention is slowly but surely becoming one of the most dangerous.

119. Narcissism and self-deception are survival mechanisms without which many of us might just jump off a bridge.

120. The narcissist would love nothing more than to know you are eating uncooked Top Ramen out of a dumpster for dinner tonight while wearing yesterday’s underwear.

121. Invalidation is about dismissing your experiences, thoughts and above all your emotions. Indeed the intention is to not even allow you to have those thoughts, experiences and emotions. It’s a way of invading your head and reprogramming it. It’s psychological abuse (messing with your thoughts) and emotional abuse (messing with your feelings).

122. Intuition – once you have had a narcissist in your life, you must develop your intuition and learn to listen to it and act accordingly.

123. Just because someone desires you, does not mean that they value you.

124. You must make a decision that you are going to move on. It won’t happen automatically. You will have to rise up and say, ‘I don’t care how hard this is, I don’t care how disappointed I am, I’m not going to let this get the best of me. I’m moving on with my life.

125. A healthy relationship will never require you to sacrifice your friends, your dream, or your dignity.

126. The moment that you start to wonder if you deserve better, you do.

127. A narcissist doesn’t break your heart, they break your spirit. That’s why it takes so long to heal.”

130. Letting go of toxic people in your life is a big step in loving yourself.

131. If you hold on to hurt and anger with a narcissist, the children will have no normal parent. The narcissistic parent will use them as puppets, lovebomb and abandon them. You are their only hope.

132. Letting go doesn’t mean that you don’t care about someone anymore. It’s just realising that the only person you really have control over is yourself.

133. When it hurts to move on, just remember the pain you felt hanging on.

134. You don’t attract narcissists because something is wrong with you. You attract narcissists because so much is right with you.

135. You don’t attract narcissists because something is wrong with you. You attract narcissists because so much is right with you.

136. Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.

137. When someone treats you like crap, just remember it’s because there’s something wrong with them, not you. Normal people don’t go around destroying other people’s lives.

138. Breakups hurt, but losing someone who doesn’t appreciate you is actually a gain, not a loss.

139. A narcissist will say ‘get over it’, because your feelings are trivial to them. If it’s not about them, they’re not interested.

140. Some relationships are like broken glass. It’s better to leave them alone than hurt yourself trying to put them back together.

141. You will never really see how toxic someone is until you breathe fresher air.

142. Stay away from people who can’t take responsibility for their actions and who make you feel bad for being angry at them when they do you wrong.

143. The truth always comes out in the end, no matter how hard anyone tries to hide it. Lies are just a temporary delay to the inevitable.

144. I didn’t leave because I stopped loving you. I left because the longer I stayed, the less I loved myself.

145. You can’t force someone to respect you, but you can refuse to be disrespected.

147. Narcissists will destroy your life, erode your self-esteem, and do it with such stealth as to make you feel that you are the one that’s letting them down.

148. A man who loves others based solely on how they make him feel, or what they do for him, is really not loving others at all — but loving only himself.

149. A narcissist paints a picture of themselves as being the victim or innocent in all aspects. They will be offended by the truth. But what is done in the dark will come to light. Time has a way of showing people’s true colours.

150. Since narcissists deep down feel themselves to be faultless, it is inevitable that when they are in conflict with the world they will invariably perceive the conflict as the world’s fault.

151. A Narcissist will never admit they have a problem, if confronted with their own bad behaviour they will do their very best to make people believe they are the victim.

152. I mean, if a narcissist can’t recognize he’s a narcissist, how on earth do you treat his narcissism?

153. The ability to love depends on one’s capacity to emerge from narcissism.

154. He was happy enough to stay in this jumbled, lively place where the drinks were cheap and the band was loud and he could feel the inner peace that comes from knowing that all your clothes are new and perfectly fitted.

155. Maybe if we were not so addicted to other people (being approved by them) we could actually feel a semblance of happiness. If we were not so addicted to being labelled correctly by them we would have more freedom.

156. You consider yourself, your most fascinating subject.

157. Gape long enough into a looking glass and you’ll eventually see beauty. The same can be said of self-analysis, and as soon as one apes oneself, a second monkey is born.

158. That’s what modern narcissism really is—a pernicious mix of qualities defined by three words that start with self: selfishness, self-absorption, and self-importance.

159. Stay away from lazy parasites, who perch on you just to satisfy their needs, they do not come to alleviate your burdens, hence, their mission is to distract, detract and extract, and make you live in abject poverty.

160. Before you think you are surrounded by idiots, make sure that you don’t suffer from narcissism.

161. One of the easiest ways to discover if someone is compatible with you is to gauge their emotional intelligence. Are they a kind and sensitive person? Will they be respectful towards your sensitivities? Or, are they emotionally stunted? Remember, we tend to attract narcissistic types who lack empathy.

162. Love doesn’t die a natural death. Love has to be killed, either by neglect or narcissism.

163. Narcissistic love is riding on the rollercoaster of disaster filled with a heart full of tears.

164. When we meet and fall into the gravitational pull of a narcissist, we are entering a significant life lesson that involves learning how to create boundaries, self-respect, and resilience. Through trial and error (and a lot of pain), our connection with narcissists teaches us the necessary lessons we need to become mature empaths.

165. The narcissist devours people, consumes their output, and casts the empty, writhing shells.

166. When a toxic person can no longer control you, they will try to control how others see you. The misinformation will feel unfair, but you stay above it, trusting that other people will eventually see the truth just like you did.

167. But that’s the thing about narcissists. They can try to fool you, with all their heart, but in the end, they’re just fooling themselves.

168. I don’t care what you think unless it is about me.

169. For some, life may be a playground to undermine the brainwaves of others or simply a vainglorious game with an armoury of theatrics, illustrating only bleak self-deception, haughty narcissism and dim deficiency in empathy.

170. Healthy levels of narcissism and self-enhancement are necessary, with a low level of self-enhancement being detrimental to our wellbeing and success.

171. Narcissists will destroy your life, erode your self-esteem, and do it with such stealth as to make you feel that you are the one that’s letting them down.

172. I wonder if the course of narcissism through the ages would have been any different had Narcissus first peered into a cesspool. He probably did.

173. The only crime is pride.

174. You consider yourself your most fascinating subject.

175. Narcissus does not fall in love with his reflection because it is beautiful, but because it is his. If it were his beauty that enthralled him, he would be set free in a few years by its fading.

176. The narcissist devours people, consumes their output, and casts the empty, writhing shells aside.

177. Being a control freak is a weakness, not a strength. If you can’t allow others to shine, you’re exhibiting signs of narcissism and showing a lack of self-confidence. It is isolation through ego.

178. She could feel him, glaring at her with a psychotic look in his eyes, taking pleasure in her suffering, using it to fuel his next move.

179. Anybody who wishes to go beyond the free-will of another person is already practising narcissistic characteristics.

180. There was nothing more unattractive than narcissism, she thought: nothing could transform beauty into a cloying, unattractive quality than that self-conscious appreciation of self.

181. Love without sacrifice is like theft.

182. A culture of narcissism is not a place where love can flourish. The emergence of “me” culture is a direct response to our nation’s failure to truly actualize the vision of democracy. While emotional needs are difficult, and often impossible to satisfy, material desires are easier to fulfil.

183. You can teach a narcissist to show up on time, but you can’t train them to listen once they get there.

184. Narcissus weeps to find that his Image does not return his love.

185. When I look at narcissism through the vulnerability lens, I see the shame-based fear of being ordinary. I see the fear of never feeling extraordinary enough to be noticed, to be lovable, to belong, or to cultivate a sense of purpose.

186. There is simply no winning with a narcissist. He will treat you so horribly that you will become withdrawn and depressed and then he will turn around and say, ‘You’re no fun anymore, you’re always so depressed. I need to be with someone more positive.’

187. Babies cry to get their needs met. Narcissists are great actors and often use tears as a tool of manipulation, this is an abuse tactic! Do not allow them to let this work as guilt, they are acting!

188. Americans are experiencing an epidemic in narcissistic behaviour in a culture that is intrinsically self-conscious and selfish, and citizens are encouraged to pursue happiness and instant gratification of their personal desires.

189. That which he projects ahead of him as his ideal, is merely his substitute for the lost narcissism of his childhood – the time when he was his own ideal.

190. And we need to know what it is to be human if we are to avoid becoming narcissists.

191. You will never really see how toxic someone is until you breathe fresher air.

192. Intuition — once you have had a narcissist in your life, you must develop your intuition and learn to listen to it and act accordingly.

193. Since narcissists deep down feel themselves to be faultless, it is inevitable that when they are in conflict with the world they will invariably perceive the conflict as the world’s fault.

194. Narcissistic love is riding on the rollercoaster of disaster filled with a heart full of tears.

195. A narcissist doesn’t break your heart, they break your spirit. That’s why it takes so long to heal.

196. A narcissist will say ‘get over it,’ because your feelings are trivial to them. If it’s not about them, they’re not interested.

197. It’s so nice when toxic people stop talking to you. It’s like the trash took itself out.

198. Stay away from people who can’t take responsibility for their actions and who make you feel bad for being angry at them when they do you wrong.

199. That which he projects ahead of him as his ideal is merely his substitute for the lost narcissism of his childhood — the time when he was his own ideal.

200. Half the harm that is done in this world is due to people who want to feel important … They justify it because they are absorbed in the endless struggle to think well of themselves.

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There is no cure for narcissism, it takes a while before they realise themselves. The people who suffer from it will always believe they are better than everyone else and refuse to change their behaviour, but that doesn’t mean you have to take it.

If someone makes you feel bad about yourself, don’t take it personally. Instead, try something productive like taking a walk or participating in a physical activity, anything that gets your mind off of them long enough to recharge.

A narcissist won’t appreciate your efforts; so don’t bother trying to make them see reason, because they don’t have any. It’s time for you to see reason and get on with your life! You can do it!


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