Looking for solace after a miscarriage is vital for everyone woman’s health that’s why we have complied a list of 150 miscarriage quotes. A miscarriage is a horrible, heartbreaking event, and if you’ve had one or had a stillbirth, you’re probably looking for solace, support, a sense of not being alone, and hope. Although no two lives or journeys after a miscarriage are identical, many people find solace and hope in the words of individuals who have also experienced a loss.
We’ve included some of our best 150 miscarriage quotes. These quotes about miscarriage are intended to respect your loss, provide comfort, and remind you that your rainbow baby is just around the corner. Many women decide to record them in their planners, make them the background of their phones, or attach a sticky note with their favorite quotes on the bathroom mirror. Make sure to write a motivating message for yourself whenever you find yourself looking for some solace. Here is a list of 150 miscarriage quotes.
150 miscarriage Quotes
Two beaming eyes closed to slumber as a heart of gold ceased beating. God crushed our hearts to show us that only the finest are chosen.
Life may only exist for a split second, but memories may make that split second last a lifetime.
As timeless as her love, a mother’s sadness is also.
No matter how little, a human is still a person.
There will never be complete serenity in a portion of my heart. – Not known
A widow is a woman who has lost her spouse. A widower is a spouse who has lost his wife. An orphan is a youngster who has lost both of his parents. For a parent who loses a kid, there is no word. This loss is very terrible.
Any mother who experienced child loss was familiar with the void that lingered in the soul.
I shall gaze upon this planet for both of us as long as I am able. I will sing with the flowers, laugh with the birds, and pray to the stars for both of us.
Love carried you as you joyfully danced in the light. You boosted us as you so lightly brushed against this globe.
The lone spirit that had arrived with the sunrise left at dusk, leaving sorrow in its wake.
Fear never affected stillborn babies. They never experienced hunger, thirst, or loneliness; most importantly, they always knew love.
It is analogous to blaming the soldier for losing his life in war to blaming the mother for the death of a child.
Please don’t look so sad, Daddy, and don’t weep, Mom. Jesus sings me lullabies when I’m in his arms.
No one can ease the pain left behind by death. No one can take the memories of love away.
Even individuals who never completely bloom nonetheless contribute to the world’s beauty.
My heart is still marked by miscarriage even after tears are no longer staining my cheeks.
Because the day will come when you look at your unborn child and not cry out in grief but rather smile in remembrance of his brief while with you on earth.
Grief comes in ebbing and flowing waves like the ocean. The water might be overpowering or tranquil at different moments. We are only able to learn to swim.
Grief does not indicate a lack of strength or faith. Love comes at a cost.
Grief is comparable to having fractured ribs. You seem OK on the outside, but it aches every time you breathe.
Even if heaven and earth now separate us, nothing will ever erase the truth that you gave birth to my mother.
How stealthily and discreetly you crept into our universe, where you just lingered for a split second. However, what a mark your footsteps have made on our hearts.
I always have your heart on me; it never leaves me.
For every second of your life, I held you.
If it can happen once, it can happen again, I told myself.
I’ll always imagine what you may have been.
Before you left us, I wished I could have held you just once.
We would ascend directly to heaven and bring you back if tears could construct a staircase and memories of a highway.
Keep me in your heart; I’ll be there forever if the day ever comes when we can’t be together.
Because it matters, it hurts.
Life depth, not life span, is what matters.
Admitting that you’re not alright is entirely OK.
It’s incredible how much concealment there is. What went wrong, they think to themselves. However, so often, you do nothing at all.
Pay attention to your heart for my footsteps. I’m not gone; I’m just moving about inside of you.
150 miscarriage Quotes
As you grieve the death of your miracle, may you find comfort and hope with your loved ones.
Maybe all I truly needed to do was learn to live with the unanswered questions and accept that closure does not always come. Coming from a society that struggles to perceive the beginnings of life in black and white, I hadn’t anticipated being so soothed by a shade of gray.
My cries cannot replace the quiet that my baby’s screams ought to have broken.
You will always be my little one, my lovely, small, sweet. So flawless, pristine, and innocent. Exactly how you were intended to be.
Maybe they’re not stars but rather apertures in the sky through which our loved ones light down to let us know they’re content.
Although they entered this world without speaking, their brief existence said volumes.
My feelings after miscarriage range from intense love to intense rage to intense despair. Please know that I am profoundly saddened by your loss, little child in paradise.
It is unfortunate, according to some. Others go so far as to suggest that it would have been preferable if the infant had never been born. But I treasure the little time I spent with my kid.
When it rained continuously for days, it might be hard to see the rainbow.
The simplest things may often occupy the biggest space in your heart.
There may be a stronger power at play when things in life don’t turn out as you had hoped.
The finest piece of wisdom I ever received was never to criticize your spouse’s grieving process. Allow them to express their grief in their manner.
The most awesome and most beautiful things in the world are sensed in the heart rather than seen or touched.
It is impossible to overstate the therapeutic impact of even the smallest conversation with someone who instantly understands what you’re talking about since she has had that experience herself.
Gratitude rather than sadness is the best way to honor the deceased.
A promise violated is the loss of a child.
The music carries on even after the song is over.
The strangest thing about a fatal loss is that life does carry on. The world continues revolving, and the seconds keep passing while you are dealing with a catastrophe or a loss that is so great you are unsure of how you will survive it.
There is just one secret to survival, albeit there are numerous aids. Acceptance is vital, not acceptance of your loss. Acceptance of the grieving process is preferred.
There is no pulse. 4 words. My life was over in 4 words. Four words transformed who I was. Never again will it be the same. Never again will I be the same.
There is no proper way to mourn; there is your method, which is unique to you.
These are my perfectly round and tiny footprints. These little footsteps hardly ever touched the earth.
We will always treasure in our hearts the people we briefly held in our arms.
Heartstrings will forever bind us to the people we love and lose.
There have been some challenging times in my life. Mother’s Day was one of those days when my heart still aches despite my best efforts. Others saw it as cause for rejoicing. It conveyed defeat and loss to me. Because Mother’s Day never falls on an “almost” day.
We, mourners, are not alone ourselves. We are a part of the world’s most significant group of people: those who have experienced hardship.
We had no idea that morning that God would summon your name. In both life and death, we still deeply adore you.
We may go ahead and change as a result of a loss, but we never completely get over it.
We grieve over the graves of newborns and other little children who have passed away, yet an early death could be the fastest route to paradise.
What does it feel like to miscarry? You get the impression that nature has let you down. Nobody would comprehend your tears because they didn’t experience what you are crying for—what could have been.
A mother’s natural inclination is to shield her newborn kid after birth. It is a mother’s natural inclination to preserve the memory of her lost kid.
The world seems empty when only one person is absent.
A piece of your spirit dies when you carry a life that is present for a while and then vanishes. Forever.
As soon as you find out you’re pregnant, you become a mother and always will be.
You didn’t stay long, yet in those priceless few weeks, you irrevocably altered my life.
Being informed that there is no heartbeat never truly prepares you for it. But maintain your composure since life moves on and no one is to blame.
My heart has your imprints.
I am becoming better and better every day in every manner. (Emile Coue)
You are not changed by grief. You are revealed. (John Green)
How fortunate I am to own something that makes parting so difficult. Winnie the Pooh.
We don’t have to lose ourselves just because we lost a life. Gabriel Tamara
Recognize the treasure hidden behind the hardship. You’ll experience genuine serenity in your battle if you do this. (Stacey Urrutia)
I’ve just started living after experiencing the profound death of my loved ones. My eyes were opened when there’s closed. A. Corbett-Kuiper
We cannot dispute our travels. When we’re not okay, we can’t act like we are. All we can do is take responsibility for our pain. L. M. Browning
In terms of life and death, there are many things we have no control over, but we influence the meaning we give it. Nathalie Himmelrich.
The birds of grief cannot be stopped from flying over your head, but they may be stopped from building their nests in your hair. Ibbotson, Eva
150 miscarriage Quotes
When being strong is your only option, you never really know how strong you are. Robert Marley
After losing your pregnancy, do not let your heart be empty but rather let it be filled with prayers for healing.
Do not hide your cries; they are the sound of a lost pregnancy.
You may experience overwhelming emptiness following the loss of a pregnancy, but know that you also share overwhelming love and prayers from me.
Miscarriage Baby Angel Quotes
The birth of my child was recorded in the book of life by an angel. Then, as she closed the book, she said, “Too lovely for earth.”
I think there are angels because of you.
The smallest angel was added to heaven.
Ours is the finest angel ever sent to heaven.
Angel of mine, never to separate, always in my heart.
Every now and again, a kid enters our earth who is so unique that the angels need these priceless ones. To sing in Heaven and shine light from up high.
When your child entered heaven, trumpets were blown, and an angel choir sang a hymn of joy and lament.
The anguish of carrying a secret narrative within you is unmatched.
We were supposed to have a kid, but an angel came in its place.
As you peacefully and sweetly slept off, you were carried away on angelic wings. and came back to paradise before we even realized you had departed.
A miscarriage is like losing a piece of oneself that can never be replaced.
After losing your pregnancy, I hope you will eventually experience both physical and emotional healing.
A pregnancy’s loss is felt beyond the heart due to the tiny kicks, tiny bumps, and stretched womb.
Although your physical wound from losing your pregnancy might heal quickly, your emotional scar might not. Give yourself space to mourn.
Miscarriage Quotes Bible
You cannot comprehend the work of God, the Creator of all things, just as you cannot comprehend the wind’s course or how the body develops in a mother’s womb. – Ecclesiastes 11:5.
I knew you before I created you in the womb, set you aside before you were born, and chose you to be a prophet to the nations. – Jeremiah 1:5 3.
The kingdom of heaven belongs to such people; therefore, let the tiny ones come to me and do not prevent them from doing so, Jesus said. 19:14 in Matthew
Can a woman feel sympathy for the kid she has given birth to while forgetting the infant at her breast? Even if she fails, I won’t forget about you! Isaiah 49:15.
Turn and live because I, the Lord God, do not enjoy anyone’s death. – Ezekiel 18:32
Because they are equal to angels and are sons of God, having been raised from the dead, they cannot die anymore. — Luke 20:36
Have I not told you to? Be fearless and powerful. The Lord, your God, will be with you everywhere you go, so do not be frightened or disheartened. – Judah 1:9
I offer you my peace, which I leave with you. I don’t give to you as the world gives. Please do not allow your hearts to be worried or terrified. – John 14:27
Therefore, none of these little ones dying is in my Father’s will, who is in heaven. – Matthew 18:14
– Psalm 34:18 The Lord is near the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.
As a result, you are now experiencing sorrow as well, but when I meet you again, your heart will be filled with pleasure, and no one will be able to rob you of it. – John 16:22
Miscarriage Anniversary Quotes
Anyone who asserts that time tends to all wounds hasn’t experienced true grief.
True love cannot be killed by death, but it may strip the world of all its color; my world has been gray for the last year.
You have memorialized your loss every day for a year. That’s a vital thing, and it strengthens your bond.
You will continue to be in my thoughts, prayers, and heart.
One year may feel like a few days at a time of sadness. Our recollections never lose importance as time does.
It was hard to lose you. This year, it’s been much tougher to learn to live without you.
This year has shown me that time may go both slowly and swiftly at once.
While loss cannot be measured, time can. There is no way to define a date or put a cap on the sadness even when a year has passed. Give it some time.
We never “get over” losing someone. We develop coping mechanisms for dealing with sadness and assimilating loss. We carry the deceased in our hearts. We love, and we mourn.
You never made it into my arms, but you’ll always have a place in my heart.
I’ve been walking with your memories for a year, and I appreciate the companionship.
The fact that the outer world seems to be functioning normally while your heart bleeds for your unborn child and all of the experiences you were unable to have with them is one of the hardest elements of miscarriage.
In actuality, up to 50% of women who miscarry struggle with depression. This underscores how crucial it is to give yourself space to mourn. Then, commemorate your kid in a manner that seems significant to you by allowing yourself to experience whatever you’re experiencing. While some people mourn alone, some prefer to do it with friends and family, yet others want to remember their loss by getting tattoos of a miscarriage. There is no right or incorrect reaction and no set timetable that you must follow. We hope you find solace without our 150 miscarriage quotes.