Scholarship Offer Available For West and Central Africans To Study in Germany, See Details- The DAAD Leadership for Africa Master’s Scholarship Programme for the 2023/2024 academic cycle available for West & Central Africans is currently accepting applications for their fully Funded scholarship to study in Germany. Make sure to carefully read this content for details about these scholarship, application deadline, Benefits, features of programme and application/selection processes.
About the Scholarship Offer
This scholarship programme is titled “Leadership for Africa” (LfA) and is aimed at providing support and the academic qualification, advancement and progress of young refugees and national students (scholars) from the following countries, Cameroon,Ghana, Niger, Ivory Coast and Senegal at institutions of higher learning in Germany. In this age of displacement, conflict and crisis in various African countries, this scholarship therefore intends to contribute to the education of future leaders in Africa, who will be agents for the further development of their country and homes. “ the Leadership for Africa Scholarship” provides scholarships for eligible students to pursue their Master studies in Germany, qualified applicants are chosen from all fields of study except the following disciplines, Medicine, Law, Veterinary Medicine, Arts, Dentistry and Architecture. All “Leadership for Africa” scholarship successful applicants benefit from a lot of training programme in good governance, career development and civil society. This mandatory programme is to be completed in addition to the student’s regular studies. Are you an undergraduate leaver or a bachelor degree holder, who aspires to advance your academic pursuit but with little or no fund? This is for as you just got an opportunity to get a Master’s degree in Germany? Do You reside as a national or refugee in any of these countries, Cameroon, Niger, Ghana , Ivory Coast or Senegal ? Then this Leadership for Africa scholarship programme is the best opportunity for you, grab it!
Programme features
In addition to just studying the Master degree programme the scholarship provides other essential and additional training programme. The holder of the scholarship can select the study their programme of choice, they can apply to all related Master degree programmes available in Germany. After being granted a slot in the scholarship programme they are required to directly apply to their desired study programmes at “the German Institutes of Higher Education”
What are the Benefits successful candidates to Gain From This Offer?
The scholarship benefit is numerous, here is a break-down of all benefits one gets from DAAD Leadership for Africa Master’s Scholarship Programme;
- A Language course for 2 to 6 months in Germany before the commencement of the university studies.
- Their is no Tuition fee for Master’s of Art (M.A.) or Master’s of Science (M.Sc.) degree programme at any public or state-recognized institute of higher learning in Germany beginning in the winter term of 2023 which springs from September to October 2023. Successful applicants also gets additional mandatory programme which trains them ahead of their studies.
- If necessary many stands to get Language course which also runs for 2, 4 or 6 months (as the case may be) in Germany before the beginning of their study programme, including the payment of the test fees for a German language certificate which can either be TestDaF or DSH test, accommodation and pocket money.
- The DAAD also decides on whether to fund participation and for how many months, this depends on the applicants German language skills and project. Note that participation in any of the language course is compulsory especially if the course offered is taught in German together with some additional mandatory programs of training.
- There is a Monthly scholarship rate payments of about 861 EURO.
- Students are provided with Adequate health facility, private/ personal liability insurance and even accident insurance in Germany. There are also provisions for travel allowances and student’s yearly study allowance.
- If applicable, provisions for monthly rent subsidy and monthly allowance for the applicants family members (either spouse and/or children)
- DAAD Leadership for Africa Master’s Scholarship Programme will assist you during your study experience in Germany both professionally and financially. Once you arrive in Germany, you will have detailed seminars on how to key in at any German university for a Master’s degree programme, preparation all through the pre-departure phase (examples: seminars for your arrival in Germany even during orientations at your language course in Germany
For qualified Refugees
These requirements are particularly for all verified and qualified refugees from the selected zones who has proofs of refugee status and can fulfil the necessary qualifications for Master studies in Germany are advised to study these requirements carefully. Here are the conditions Applicants must fulfil to stand a chance in securing this offer;
Holding a verifiable refugee status in their host countries, being issued before 18th of April 2022 Country of asylum as a matter of criteria must be either Cameroon, Ghana, Niger, Ivory Coast, or Senegal, these candidates must have Completed their Bachelor’s degree.
For qualified graduates
This requirements are for all highly qualified graduates from these selected countries of West and Central Africa; Cameroon, Ghana, Niger, Ivory Coast or Senegal who meet the important qualifications necessary for Master studies in Germany and the requirements in the call for application form. Each Applicants must therefore fulfil the these conditions; a proof of Citizenship of either Cameroon, Niger, Ghana, Ivory Coast or Senegal.
Their Country of residence must be either of Cameroon, Niger, Ghana, Ivory Coast or Senegal and they must have concluded their Bachelor’s degree
Application and Selection Processes for The DAAD Leadership for Africa Master’s Scholarship Programme:
- Applicants are required to visit the web page of the DAAD Leadership for Africa Master’s Scholarship Programme (2022/2023) to submit their online application forms
2. A pre-selection will be organised, this will be based on the submitted application documents. Note that only complete applications with all mandatory requirements will be considered eligible.
3. Preselected candidates will then be called for a (virtual) interview with any of their independent selection committee member of professors (university professors). Always bear in mind that In addition to other achievements of applicants from their previous schools and university, good language skills and the overall motivation, the criterion used in selection of exceptional candidates is a convincing description of the person’s plans on how to go about their studies in Germany, likewise the right choice of study programmes selected in the DAAD online form.
4. To ensure a 50:50 opportunities in selection , social criteria which may include special life circumstances, students from non-academic homes or migration background can play a crucial role. Social engagement of applicants can also provide preferential treatment when filled in the online scholarship application form.
Application Deadline
Their is no need procrastination as this great opportunity is still on, the DAAD Leadership for Africa Master’s Scholarship Programme offer will run till the end of June 2022, the deadline for this scholarship online application is June 30, 2022. Be advised to visit the Web site of the DAAD Leadership for Africa Master’s Scholarship Programme for 2022/2023 academic cycle for More details.
End notes
To make up a 90% advantage into this scholarship opportunity and be selected, make sure to follow the requirements, eligibility, language criteria and social criteria. For more ease of securing this admission, candidates should include their special life circumstances, community service, indigent level of one’s home, academic performance and migration background as all these plays a crucial role.