The [Tertiary Education Trust Fund] has announced to researchers in Nigeria the opening of their National Research Fund Grant operation for the year [2021/22] entitlement cycle.
The interested researchers for this Grant are encouraged to send in their Concept Notes in the areas of [Humanities & Social Sciences, Science, Engineering, Technology & Innovation and Cross-Cutting]. The Federal Government of Nigeria has approved the sum of [N8.5 billion] for the current [2021/22] Entitlement Cycle.
The thematic areas for the TETFUND| The National Research Fund Grant
The Category 1| For [Humanities and Social Sciences]:
The Thematic Area1 – For [National Integration, Conflict, Defense and Security-1].
The Thematic Area 2 – For [Education and Humanities Capital-2].
The Thematic Area 3 – For [Economic Development and Globalization-3].
The Thematic Area 4 – For [History, Culture and Individualities-4].
For Thematic Area 5 – For [Languages, Literatures and Media-5].
The.Thematic Area 6 – For [Social Development and Welfare-6].
For Thematic Area 7 – For [Population and Migration-7].
For Thematic Area 8 – For [Governance, Politics, Law and Ethics-8].
The Thematic Area 9 – For [Tourism, Sports and Recreation-9].
The Thematic Area 10 – For [Gender, Equity and Social Addition-10].
The Thematic Area 11 – For [Humanities, Social Science, Technology and Business Interface-11].
The Category 2 | For [Science, Engineering, Technology and Innovation]:
The [Thematic Area] 12 is for [Agriculture & Food Security-12].
For Thematic Area 13 – For [Health and Social Welfare-13].
For Thematic Area 14 – For [Transport-14]
For Thematic Area 15 – For [Power & Energy- 15].
The Thematic Area 16 – For [IT, Computing & Telecommunications-16].
For Thematic Area 17 – For [Space Science and Technology-17].
The Thematic Area 18 – For [Geosciences-18].
The Thematic Area 19 – For [Science & Engineering-19].
The Thematic Area 20 – For [Water & Sanitation-20].
The Thematic Area 21 – For [Economy, Innovation & Structure-21].
The Thematic Area 22 – For [Sustainable use of Natural Resources & Terrestrial Ecosystems-22].
The Category 3| For [Cross-Cutting]:
The Thematic Area 23 – For [Entrepreneurship & Wealth Creation-23].
The Thematic Area 24 – For [Environment, Housing & Urban and Regional Development-24].
The.Thematic Area 25 – For [Resource Governance-25].
The Thematic Area 26 – For [Science, Technology & Innovation System-23].
The Thematic Area 27 – For [Blue Economy-24].
The Thematic Area 28 – For [Clean & Affordable Energy-25].
Their Eligibility Criteria
To be considered for the [TETFUND:National Research Fund Grant] 2021/22, aspirants:
Must be speakers in any public [Tertiary Institutions] in Nigeria.
The.researcher must be an eligible researcher in [multi-disciplinary & interdisciplinary exploration systems] comprising researchers from colorful disciplines.
The PI- which is the Principal Investigator for the TETFUND Grant, who must rather be at least a [Elderly Lecturer] in a University, [Chief Lecturer] in a Polytechnic or [College of Education], will lead the Research Team and personally responsible and as well be held accountable for the conduct of the exploration.
And again, the [PI] must be institution grounded, with the PI’s institution regarded as the Coordinating Institution. Then the fresh members of the platoon can be drawn from researchers in [Private Tertiary Institutions, Research Institutes, Centres of Excellence & the Economy].
Their Application Procedures
The interested and eligible aspirants for the [TETFUND: National Research Fund Grant] are to complete all their operations on the online platform. And the [Principal Investigator] is anticipated to visit the online platform where the person will be nearly guided on the application and final submission of the Concept Note.
More Information On The TETFUND
From [1980’s] and beyond, the decay of all categories of education was monumental. Installations had nearly collapsed, preceptors and speakers morale was at its smallest. But enabling a terrain for conducive tutoring and scholarship was absent and the administration of [President Ibrahim Babangida], aware of the reality of the situation, took measures to arrest the spoilage. But in December [1990] the [Federal Government] constituted the Commission on the Review of [Higher Education] in Nigeria the [Gray Longe Commission] to review the [Post-independence Nigeria Advanced Education] after [Lord Ashby’s) Commission of the year [1959].
The [Longe Commission] recommended among others the backing of advanced education through allocated duty to be one by companies operating in Nigeria. A [Perpetration Commission] under the [chairmanship of Professor Olu.O. Akinkugbe] was constituted to apply [Grey Longe’s Commission Report Recommendations]; an Agreement was inked between the [Federal Government and ASUU] on the 3rd September, [1992] on backing of universities.
But in January [1993], the Education Tax [Act No7 of 1993] was announced alongside other education related Rulings and the Decree assessed a 2% duty on the assessable gains of all companies in Nigeria. And this was a home grown result to address issues of backing to rehabilitate decaying structures, restore the misplaced glory of education and confidence in the system as well as consolidate the [Earnings thereto – make capacity of preceptors and speakers -school teacher development -development of prototype designs] etc.
The Education Tax [Act of No7 of 1993] commanded the Fund to operate as an [Intervention Fund] to all situations of [Public education Federal, State & Original] and this accreditation was duly discharged in the year [1999 – 2011] when the [ET Act] was repealed and replaced by the [Tertiary Education Trust Fund Act] due to [setbacks and challenges] in accessing the [Education Trust Fund].
Those Setbacks and Challenges Includes:
The [ETF] was overburdened and overstretched and could only render [Palliative Support] to all situations of [Public Educational institutions] in Nigeria;
The duplication of functions and accreditation of other Agencies set up after the [ETF], similar as [Universal Basic Education – UBE] and the [Renaissance Development Goal]. So the decay, rot and neglect of installation issues in [Tertiary Education] continued to be prickly as Funds are only thinly spread.
The [Establishment And Accreditation] Of [Tertiary Education Trust Fund]
This [Tertiary Education Trust Fund] was firstly opened as [Education Trust Fund – ETF] by the [Act No 7 of 1993] as amended by [Act No 40 of 1998] now repealed and replaced with [Tertiary Education Trust Fund – Act 2011]. Now, it’s an intervention agency set up to give supplementary support to all positions of [Public Tertiary Institutions] with the main idea of using backing alongside design operation for the [Restoration and Rehabilitation] of [Tertiary Education] in Nigeria.
The main source of income available to the Fund is the two percent education duty paid from the assessable profit of companies registered in Nigeria. And the
[FIRS: Federal Inland Revenue Services] assesses and collects the duty on behalf of the Fund.
The finances are expended for the general enhancement of education in civil and state [Tertiary Educations] specifically for the provision or conservation of:
- The essential physical structure for [Teaching & Learning].
- The [Institutional Material, outfit
Exploration & publications].
- The [Academic staff training & development]
Any other need which, in the opinion of the [Board of Trustees], is critical and essential for the enhancement and conservation of norms in the [Advanced Educational Institutions].