
The University Of Sydney Scholarship Award

The University Of Sydney Scholarship Award is now ongoing and receiving Applications from international students from all over the world. To learn more about the benefits, requirements and application process, do well to read this article to the end.

Sydney Scholars Awards 2022-2023 is a partially funded scholarship for international students. This scholarship is offered for undergraduate studies at University of Sydney, Australia. The Sydney Scholars Award is valued at $6,000 and is tenable for one year of an undergraduate degree.

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The objective and goal of the USydIS is to attract top quality international postgraduate students to undertake research projects which will enhance the University’s research activities.

About The Host School

The University of Sydney (USYD, or casually Sydney Uni) is a public examination university situated in Sydney, Australia. Established in 1850 as Australia’s most memorable university, it is viewed as one of the world’s driving universities. The university is one of Australia’s six sandstone universities. The university involves eight scholastic resources and university schools, through which it offers unhitched male, ace and doctoral certifications.

The QS World University Rankings positioned the university as one of the world’s main 25 universities for scholastic reputation,[5] and top 4 on the planet and first in Australia for graduate employability.[6] It is quite possibly the earliest university on the planet to concede students exclusively on scholarly legitimacy, and made their ways for ladies on a similar premise as men.[7]

Five Nobel and two Crafoord laureates have been subsidiary with the university as graduates and faculty.[8] The university has instructed eight Australian heads of the state, including occupant Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, two lead representatives general of Australia, thirteen Premiers of New South Wales including officeholder Premier Dominic Perrottet, and 24 judges of the High Court of Australia, including four boss judges. The university has delivered 110 Rhodes Scholars and 19 Gates Scholars.

The University of Sydney is an individual from the Group of Eight, CEMS, the Association of Pacific Rim Universities and the Association of Commonwealth Universities. The fundamental grounds has been positioned in the main 10 of the world’s most gorgeous universities by the British Daily Telegraph and the American Huffington Post, among others like Oxford, and Cambridge and is spread across the ghetto rural areas of Camperdown and Darlington.

Initially housed in what is presently Sydney Grammar School, in 1855 the public authority conceded land in Grose Farm to the university, three kilometers from the city, which is currently the fundamental Camperdown grounds. In 1854, the draftsman Edmund Blacket acknowledged a senate greeting for the principal structures to be planned. In 1858 the Great Hall was done, and in 1859 the Main Building was constructed. He created the first Neo-Gothic sandstone Quadrangle and Great Tower structures, which were finished in 1862.[56] The quick development of the university during the twentieth century brought about the procurement of land in Darlington across City Road. The Camperdown/Darlington grounds houses the university’s authoritative central command, and the Faculties of Arts, Science, Education and Social Work, Pharmacy, Veterinary Science, Economics and Business, Architecture, and Engineering. It is additionally the headquarters of the enormous Sydney Medical School, which has various associated showing emergency clinics across the state.

The fundamental grounds is additionally the focal point of the university’s student life, with the student-run University of Sydney Union (once alluded to as “the Union”, however presently known as “the USU”) possessing three structures – Wentworth, Manning and Holme Buildings. These structures house an enormous extent of the university’s catering outlets, and give space to sporting rooms, bars and capability focuses. Quite possibly of the biggest movement coordinated by the Union is Welcome Week (previously Orientation Week or ‘O-week'[57]), a three-day celebration toward the beginning of the scholastic year. Welcome Week fixates on slows down set up by clubs and social orders on the Front Lawns.


The fundamental grounds is home to different sculptures, craftsmanships, and landmarks. These incorporate the Gilgamesh Statue and the Confucius Statue.

In November 2001, recording of the film Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets started on the fundamental grounds. These incorporated the location of Dobby the House Elf getting the sock from Lucius Malfoy.

The university includes eight resources and schools:

  • Personnel of Arts and Social Sciences
  • University of Sydney Business School
  • Personnel of Engineering
  • Personnel of Medicine and Health
  • Personnel of Science
  • Sydney School of Architecture, Design and Planning
  • Sydney Conservatorium of Music
  • Sydney Law School
  • The five biggest resources and schools by 2020 student enlistments were (in plummeting request): Arts and Social Sciences; Medicine and Health; Business; Science; Engineering. Together they comprised almost 88% of the university’s students and each had a student enrolment more than 8,000 (something like 13% of complete students).

The University Of Sydney Scholarship Award

Gender: Female and Make

School To Study: The University Of Sydney

Country To Study: Australia

Degrees Available: Undergraduate

Scholarship Worth: Partially Funded

Deadline: 30th September, 2022


Benefits Of The University Of Sydney Scholarship Award

The Sydney Scholars Award is valued at $6,000 and is tenable for one year of an undergraduate degree.

Commencement of the Scholarship can be deferred for up to two years. Deferral of the Scholarship is not permitted without the prior permission of the Scholarships Office.

The Scholarship is transferrable to another undergraduate degree at the University of Sydney. Approval for the scholarship transfer must be sought from the Scholarships Office.

The Scholarship will be paid in two equal instalments after the census date of each semester.

Eligibility And Requirements Of The University Of Sydney Scholarship Award

In order for you to be eligible for this scholarship, You must

  • Be a domestic student (this includes New Zealand citizens), or an international student who has recently completed an International Baccalaureate (or educational award equivalent to the HSC)
  • Be applying for admission through UAC
  • Have achieved an ATAR of 95 or above (if you are applying to the Sydney Conservatorium of Music or the Sydney Dental School you must receive an ATAR of 90 or above)
  • Apply in the year that you complete your secondary education (if you are offered a Sydney Scholars Award, you may defer it for up to two years).

How To Apply To The University Of Sydney Scholarship Award

According to the university, this is the step by step instructions to apply for this scholarship:

(1) Research: The Sydney Scholars Awards offers opportunities for Year 12 students or equivalent, who are commencing their studies in 2023 to apply for scholarships valued at $6,000 p.a. (for Domestic^ as well as International students completing high schools in Australia) and tenable for one year. The scholarships will be offered to students who achieve an ATAR of 95 to 99.85 (inclusive) or equivalent in conjunction with a personal statement.  You need to have the University of Sydney listed as one of your preferences throughout the application period, i.e. from April 2023 to January 2024. Please note that if you do not include one of our courses in your preferences, we are unable to access your ATAR, and will not be able to offer you a scholarship. Scholarships will be awarded to successful applicants enrolled in any University of Sydney undergraduate degree.

^ Domestic students – an Australian citizen, a New Zealand citizen or the holder of a permanent visa.

(2) Get advice: It is important that you to your parents and school about your application and seek their advice. Let them know your scholarships choices and check if you have met the criteria. Seeking advice from your teachers and parents will also be beneficial in developing your personal statement. You have a team of people around you that know you well, so make the most of them.


(3) Get involved: At The University of Sydney, we look for all-round students who demonstrate leadership skills and involvement in school, community and extracurricular activities. Keep track of your involvement and tell us what you have been up to as all activities are relevant. To complement the Sydney Scholars Awards you may also be considered for a range of faculty specific scholarships, many of which will also consider your leadership skills and extracurricular involvements.

(4) considerations: If you would like to be considered on hardship grounds, or are applying for one of our equity scholarships, make sure you go online and do some research. To be considered, you need to submit a Sydney Scholars Award application to the University of Sydney, and submit an Equity Scholarship application through UAC.

(5) Personal Statement: It is important to provide a Personal Statement to support your application. Your Personal Statement is your introduction to the University, our opportunity to get to know you and an indication of your goals and achievements. It is a good idea to have your personal statement saved as a separate document that you can then copy and paste into the web form. There are six questions for the Personal Statement, please note each answer has a 1000 character limit.

(6) Submit: Once you are ready, you can go ahead and submit your application. If you wish to revise your application, don’t worry, you can! Just resubmit a revised application to us. No changes or applications can be submitted after the closing date. We will use your most recent application as your final submission. You will be sent a confirmation email once you have successfully submitted your application.


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