
Apply For The University of Edinburgh Glenmore Postgraduate Scholarship

Apply For The University of Edinburgh Glenmore Postgraduate Scholarship
Apply For The University of Edinburgh Glenmore Postgraduate Scholarship

Apply For The University of Edinburgh Glenmore Postgraduate Scholarship: The University of Edinburgh Glenmore, located in East Lothian, Scotland, is well-established. For its long history, it has educated many famous individuals such as mathematician and physicist James Clerk Maxwell. It maintains a tradition of eclecticism and offers coursework in everything from life sciences to ancient history. The university has recently undergone an expansive construction campaign which created new labs and student housing units with modern amenities.

Perhaps the most interesting about the University of Edinburgh Glenmore is its open learning environment — students are encouraged to explore their interests on their terms without pressure to pursue one specific path or another right out of the gate.

The university was founded in the 17th century and, although classes officially began in 1692, it only attained official university status in 1816. In 2004, it became the first university to offer e-learning services as a designated body of the Scottish Government.

The Edinburgh Campus is located at Glenmore House, just off Leith Walk in the east of Edinburgh, and offers residences for around 1000 students. The campus houses faculties including arts and humanities, veterinary medicine, veterinary nursing, and science where students are free to choose a range of general and vocational courses from an established curriculum. The campus hall is the Prima College with facilities including a student restaurant, bar, and music center.

The Dumfries Campus is situated in the village of Annan, close to the town of Dumfries. The campus building is located on a site that originally belonged to the Clugston family, merchants, and landowners. The campus houses faculty in the areas of law, human biology science, and veterinary nursing practice.

Scholarship Description

The scholarship covers the full costs of your program, including tuition fees and living costs, as well as refunding you the cost of your tuition fee deposit (currently £200).

The University of Edinburgh Glenmore Postgraduate Scholarship is designed to cover the full costs of a postgraduate program at the University. The scholarship will cover tuition fees and living costs for up to three years, and will also reimburse students for a tuition fee deposit currently set at £200.

In recognition of the importance of the University to London’s arts and creative industries, students from Inner London will be eligible to apply for this scholarship. Furthermore, the scholarship is available for all programs at the University’s main campus in Edinburgh and some postgraduate programs at its other campuses in Scotland, Wales, and England.

Summary Of Details of the University of Edinburgh Glenmore Postgraduate Scholarship

The University of Edinburgh Glenmore Postgraduate Scholarship is an award to be given to the top-ranked applicant from each University in Scotland. It provides a two-year scholarship worth up to £17,000 for 24 hours per week of full-time study that leads to an MPhil or Ph.D. degree. The award is available for those awarded a place on the three-year MPhil or Ph.D. course taught by academics at the University of Edinburgh and/or related colleges. This scholarship may also be used for fees paid during your undergraduate years. Each student receives £8,000 worth of tuition fees over the two years of the scholarship. The scholarship may be used to cover any part of the course leading to a Ph.D. or MPhil degree. However, it must be used for the thesis only.

The University of Edinburgh Glenmore Postgraduate Scholarship is one of three UK postgraduate scholarships awarded by universities in Scotland. The others are:


The awards are subject to being confirmed and your application will normally be considered for a place on the MPhil or Ph.D. course for which you are eligible within 12 months of being notified that you have been awarded a place.

Scholarship Host Country: Scotland

Host University: University of Edinburgh Glenmore 

Program Duration: 2 years

Course level Available: Graduate, Postgraduate levels

To be funded by: University of Edinburgh Glenmore Postgraduate Scholarship

Application Deadline

The application deadline is December 2022.

Documents Needed to apply for the University of Edinburgh Glenmore Postgraduate Scholarship

  • The documents needed to apply are:
  • A completed application forms
  • Copies of degree certificates (including details of 2nd and 3rd level)
  • Evidence of English language proficiency
  • A letter outlining your reasons for postgraduate study and career plans
  • An up-to-date CV
  • Letters of recommendation, or a request for a reference to be provided by Glenmore School. If you are an early applicant, you need to provide evidence that you currently hold an undergraduate qualification which is equivalent to at least a UK honors degree. For example, an Irish Bachelor’s degree from NUI Maynooth is considered equivalent.

Eligibility Criteria for the University of Edinburgh Glenmore Postgraduate Scholarship

To be eligible, here are some criteria:

  • you must be a graduate student pursuing the course of study under the supervision of a University of Edinburgh qualified mentor
  • you must have an overall first-class honors degree or equivalent
  • your degree must be from a UK institution, international students studying in the UK will not normally be eligible for this scholarship
  • you should demonstrate strong communication in written and spoken English language skills. Interviews are conducted in person.
  • You must be a student in the final year of a Ph.D. or be registered, or have been previously registered, within the last three years as a doctoral student at the University of Edinburgh
  • You should demonstrate clear progress in your Ph.D. to date. This will be evidenced by your online candidate profile and supporting documentation
  • To apply you need to demonstrate that you have at least one reference from your current or most recent supervisor as part of your online application profile
  • Your application should include an up-to-date CV, with details of any teaching or other employment you have undertaken.

The University of Edinburgh’s Glenmore Postgraduate Scholarship is worth £1,000 annually and can be used at any time during your studies. You may only apply once per academic year as part of your honors degree program.

How to Apply for the University of Edinburgh Glenmore Postgraduate Scholarship

The steps applying are:

  • Apply
  • Provide academic transcripts
  • Interview with a member of the selection committee (email application for interview)
  • Essay and CV
  • Requirements to be eligible for the award: Graduate from an accredited university or equivalent qualification, maintain a high level of academic achievement and achievement in research, show evidence of independent thought and original ideas in your work to go alongside evidence of your achievements shown on transcript and CV, demonstrate internationalism by speaking a language other than English at undergraduate level or equivalent
  • Nomination by your department
  • The department will contact you to find out more about your research and how it fits in with the scholarship.

Benefits of Studying at the University of Edinburgh Glenmore Postgraduate Scholarship

The benefits are:

  • An annual stipend of £18,000 a year.
  • A competitive scholarship that requires you to submit three letters of recommendation from professors in your field of study and a research proposal, which is approved by the University’s Postgraduate Studies Awards Committee
  • The opportunity to do research with world leaders in your chosen field (this is up to the discretion of the awarding body)
  • Access through subject leads and educational visits to leading museums, research centers, educational institutions, and cultural institutions
  • All lectures will be delivered online in a live video streaming format

  The Glenmore Postgraduate Scholarship is an international postgraduate scholarship offered by Universities Scotland.


Alternatively, applicants may register their interest with Glenmore School of Speech and Drama as part of their postgraduate application process.

If you have already registered your interest with Glenmore School, you do not need to resubmit a new application form.

The University of Edinburgh is committed to equality and diversity, including equal opportunities and healthy relationships between people irrespective of their gender, race or religion, or sexual orientation. Applicants are asked about this in their statement and if relevant may wish to add a statement addressing any potential issues in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are a number of scholarships and funding opportunities available to international students to study at the University of Edinburgh.

For many of our programs, competition is high and in the majority of cases, a very high First Class degree will be required. Certain programs will also have specific requirements in terms of both the overall degree result and strengths in particular subjects which are seen as relevant to that degree.



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