
Countries With The Worst Educational Systems in the World

Worst Educational System in the World 2022 – The world is changing year in year out, with education and science being the fundamental foundation of the change. There are some countries of the world that have perfected their educational system, making it easier for its citizens to get educated and be able to function on global standards. However, there are still some countries with very bad educational systems.

The learning experience offered to students in these countries is below average, and this is the same with the quality of the teaching staff, the learning environment, and teaching systems. This is not the fault of the institutions mostly, as the budget for education is usually low in these countries. There are also not many standard universities in these countries, making the system generally some of the worst educational systems in the world.

This article will talk about the cause of the bad educational systems, list the worst educational systems in the world, explain their ranks and pick the worst educational system in the world 2022. The worst educational systems mentioned below are ranked according to renowned organizations with these factors:

  • High percentage of Illiteracy
  • Corruption in educational system
  • Low enrolment capacity in institutions
  • Low EDI
  • Low national budget for education, and many other factors.

Worst Educational Systems in the World 2022

The problems mentioned above are known to destroy educational systems gradually, keeping them below standard and also reducing the country’s literacy rate. Simply put, the citizens either resort to leaving the country or shying away from education. Below are some of the countries with the world’s worst educational systems for 2022. The countries mentioned below are in no particular order.

  • Burkina Faso
  • Niger
  • Ethiopia
  • Mali
  • Central African Republic
  • Eritrea
  • Pakistan
  • Guinea
  • Angola
  • Gambia

Niger’s Educational System

The cause of the bad educational system in Niger is the high rate of poverty. Due to the high percentage of absolutely poor people who live in Niger, the literacy rate is very low. A large majority of the people who can afford to get educated stop at primary level. A very small percentage of the citizens attend and complete secondary school in Niger. This shows that the literacy rate will be very low to improve the economy of the country.

Niger is a small country with population of not more than 23 million, and only about one out of every seven adults can read and write. For this country, the rate of education for females is even worse. It is said that a large percentage of the girls in Niger did not attend primary school.

This and many other factors is why Niger’s educational system is ranked among the worst educational system in the world for 2022.

Burkina Faso’s educational system

Compared to other African countries, Burkina Faso is also a small country with a population of not more than 20 million people. The land size is however, not very big to handle all of the population. This means that the population density is high enough to affect every economic activity in the country.

Some of the local authorities in Burkina Faso are helpless, and in some communities, the only educational establishment is a primary school which was built by the locals. This can be attributed to the high population and economic instability. The system where locals have to build primary schools themselves is very common in Africa.

In most cases, pupils who graduate from the schools either go to bigger towns to enroll in secondary schools or stop pursuing education at all. Statistics show that only a little higher than 35% of the youth citizens of Burkina Faso are able to attend school.


The standard of the schools are also low as they lack important materials and facilities.

Mali’s Educational System

The educational system in Mali is unstable as the schools do not have enough qualified teachers. Some of the teachers are not well trained, and for every teacher, there are about seventeen pupils or students. There is a very high population of students, but due to the bad educational system and remuneration, there are not enough teachers to handle the large population.

Half baked teachers will automatically result to low quality educational system. However, the situation is better than some other countries’ in Africa. One out of five adults is literate in Mali.

The problem with the educational system in Mali can be traced to the diversity of beliefs and politics. Mali has experienced a lot of political fights in the last decade, keeping the country’s economy low.

Central African Republic’s Educational System

Too many people have been displaced due to riots in the Central African Republic. At least one out of three adults is educated in the country, but the security of students cannot be sure as there is too much violence. Schools have been shut down frequently due to the constant troubles.

The internal conflicts have destabilized the economy generally, and this does not exclude the educational system. For a country that is not very strong economically, the internal conflicts and fights have contributed to reducing the stability of the educational system in Central African Republic, ranking it among the worst educational systems in the world.

Ethiopia’s Educational System

Ethiopia is one of the countries in Africa that experience low applications for school especially in rural areas. Parents are not very excited about sending their kids to school in some areas. The citizens prefer starting a small business to help their parents run the family rather than waste their time in school to study for low payment jobs.

The government of Ethiopia is working hard towards developing education in the country, but there are many other factors affecting the country. In order to achieve a standard educational system that can compete with other countries’ in the world, the country must possess standard facilities, recruit and train intelligent teachers, reduce the cost of education drastically, and strengthen the curriculum.

According to statistics, the enrolment rate of students in Ethiopia is less than seven percent, a very low rate.


The number of school dropouts in Eritrea is very high, indicating a general disinterest in education. The citizens are very intelligent from the literacy rate of the country. However, a large percent of students that enroll in school drop out before age fifteen.


There is also a lack of high quality teachers in the country. This may be due to the remuneration system as there is enough potential. According to statistics, one out of two adults is literate in Eritrea. This is a very high count for a country with bad educational system.

The government of Eritrea is working hard towards changing the situation in the country’s educational system.


The high rate of poverty in this country is the major cause of low literacy rate in these countries. The citizens are not wealthy enough to afford education. A large percentage believes in learning a skill or getting a job after dropping out from secondary school due to lack of fees.

To curb this situation, the government should establish more public schools with standard facilities and qualified teachers. After completing primary education, only about 60% of the pupils proceed to secondary schools, and a huge chunk of those students will drop out before completing secondary schools.

The major cause of this is lack of fees, and the government is working hard at improving the economy and making the school fees even more affordable.

Frequently Asked Questions and Answers

Here are some questions you may have about the worst educational systems in the world:

What country has the best education system 2022?

Here are some of the countries with the best educational systems ranked for 2022:

Which country has lowest education system?

Here is a list of the countries with the worst educational systems in the world 2022:
Burkina Faso
Central African Republic

Which country has the toughest education system?

Here are some of the countries with the toughest educational systems 2022:
South Korea.

Which country is No 1 in education 2022?

China and Canada are ranked one of the best countries for education in terms of cost, scholarships, and standard facilities.
These two countries have some of the world’s best universities, and the student cities require little costs of living and other expenses. There are also many scholarship programs for international students, especially in Canada.

Which country is best in Mathematics?

Singapore is considered the best country in mathematics as students from the country pass international mathematics tests excellently with average scores above most other countries.


Education is at the center of global development and is a factor whose importance cannot be underestimated in economic growth.

This article talks about the countries with the worst educational systems in the world and how they may be improved.

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